How To Pick Good References For Your Resume

We are always left confused when it comes to filling the “references” section of our CV.

How To Pick Good References For Your Resume
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The first step of job hunting is to prepare a fine, professional, and relevant Resume. While most of the components of Resume are taken care of, you will often find yourself lagging behind when it comes to the references. People often submit their Resumes without any references for they have no idea how mentioning worthy references can make a very big difference. Here are tips on how to pick good references for your Resume so that you do not make the same mistake.

It Is All About Picking The Right People

Make sure your reference can speak about your strengths.
Make sure your reference can speak about your strengths.

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First of all, it is not easy to get the best references. There are a lot of factors involved. But if you are attentive and smart enough, you will find what you are looking for. Finding the best references obviously depends on your career and educational past. So depending on your past jobs and career endeavours, try and call back any possible professional and education referrals. Most commonly, your previous supervisor, co-worker, and professor make ideal professional references.

Now, before actually seeking the referral, make sure this person thinks highly of your professional/academic work. Secondly, you should also make sure that the said person is capable of professional communication if and when it comes to giving a feedback about you.

Once you have short listed the potential referrals for your Resume, make sure you have correct and exact information about them. Such information would include name, title, address, email, and phone number.

Did You Tell Them?

You can even inform your references of any particular quality of you they should emphasize.
You can even inform your references of any particular quality of you they should emphasize.

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Now you don’t want your reference to be taken by surprise when your potential employer calls them up for feedback. Imagine your employer asking your reference, “So, how was Raunak as your team member?” and your reference replying, “Raunak? Who?”

YOU DON’T WANT THAT TO HAPPEN! Right? So PLEASE communicate and let your references know about a potential phone call. This is the best way to ensure an honest and positive feedback.

All the best for your job hunt!