How Will The Rise Of Flexible Working In India Benefit Your Career?

Workplaces these days are far more fun and friendly

How Will The Rise Of Flexible Working In India Benefit Your Career?
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Who does not like to get complete freedom to work whenever they want to without any interference? A flexible work culture helps motivate employees of various companies to do their very best at their assigned jobs.

Imagine, waking up in leisure and starting work from home whenever you can? Bliss isn’t it? India had been a little late to the bandwagon but it is now catching up and quite fast at that! Start-ups helped kickstart the culture of flexible working in Indian and multi-nationals have followed suit.

In fact, about 44% of the top business leaders say that flexible working conditions are the top socio-economic drivers of change. And 57% of Indians telecommute on a daily basis. Not only does this ‘work from home’ scenario help save time, it also helps the employee save energy that would have otherwise been wasted in long travels. And let’s face it, does anyone living in the metro cities of, say, Delhi, Mumbai or Calcutta really want to brave the traffic? Guess no.

People value their contributions more in a flexible work system
People value their contributions more in a flexible work system

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There are quite a few advantages of the new flexible working culture in India. Some of them are the fact that people value their contributions more in this kind of a system. Plus, the companies themselves save time, money and energy which they can channel into something better and more productive. On a household level, however, there is quite a distinct impact. If both the man and the woman of the house are working from home, it means that they have to take equal responsibilities of the household chores which of course is very important, in this gender-skewed country! Flexible working hours also help the company, to save money on the overall pay structure of its employees and keep its employees happy. It’s a win-win for both parties!

However, the negatives include getting fewer chances to collaborate and create a bond with your fellow colleagues. Plus, with internet connectivity being as poor as it is in the country, remote working does take a toll on the organization with network issues at times. The issue of confidentiality when it comes to projects is also in question.

However, in spite of all the cons, the pros outweigh everything and India is definitely taking giant steps in becoming more flexible work friendly!