Independence Day: The Jobs That Give You All The Freedom You Want!

Are you looking for freedom in workspace? Read on!

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It is Independence Day today. While India got its independence way back in 1947, the Indian professionals are still very much confined. They are in a way captive to their managers or their recruiters or the company policies or something or the other.

All the professionalism aside, we are all suckers for freedom at work. But we seldom get it, do we? At least not the way we want it! You could get some *creative freedom* here and there but at the end of the day you remain on some sort of leash. But what if I told you there are jobs, actual jobs that come with a promise of considerable freedom if not one hundred percent? You’d want to find more about them, right? So here we go-

Business Developer – Just As You Long As You Get The Business, You’re Fine

The role of a business developer can be highly flexible. You may not even need to show up at office every day. As a business developer, your key role is to identify opportunities for the company you work for. It could be sale opportunity or one of lucrative partnership or it could even be a business expansion idea. The job of a business developer is available on part time basis and even on freelance basis. This is one role that can very efficiently be fulfilled via telecommuting. Also, all the company cares about is the business you get. If you are doing that just fine, you will have ALL the freedom you want!

IT Consultant – The Nature Of This Job Lends You Independence

As an IT consultant, you will find your boss very understanding and sensible.

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The name says it all! You are a consultant and a consultant’s job is essentially to give advice and suggestions. In order to give honest and constructive consultancy services, you need complete freedom and flexibility. The nature of this job itself lends you the freedom you so earnestly crave. Additionally, you also have the maximum chances of getting a very flexible and liberal boss. You boss in the IT industry would truly understand and appreciate your job, thus giving you ample space to operate in your own style.

Designer – You Must Meet Deadlines Though

Creative professionals demand freedom in order to work efficiently.

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This is for ALL the designers from content designer to graphic designer to fashion designer. All of you! Not only do you get the well earned *creative freedom*, your role is more often than not, pretty flexible. But the freedom is all yours only as long as you are meeting the deadlines and you are picking up the calls. As a creative professional, you will keep getting request for revisions and changes. You will have to be available for that, be it from your home or the office.

So, which job have you chosen for yourself? Are you ready to finally be FREE? 😉