Midweek Mania: How To NOT Go Crazy At Work

Midweek crisis is real and so are these solutions!

Midweek Mania: How To NOT Go Crazy At Work
Image Credit: Pexels.com

Of all the days of the week, Wednesday and Thursday can be the deadliest. These are the days that represent the exact mid-week of your work schedule. Now, the worst thing about these days is that it hits you both ways. You are not only sad that your weekend is still half-week away but the professional in you is also panicking that you are already half-way through the week. Yeah, it is quite a drama! And of course quite a CRISIS! It is normal to go crazy in this midweek mania ride but you can do better than normal. Here’s how!

Review And Plan

Review your performance and set new goals!
Review your performance and set new goals!

Image Credit: Unsplash.com

Now this might sound like something everyone would say but then again, there’s a reason why everyone is asking you to do this, right? Think about it! Here’s the day that can potentially make or break your week. You are in the middle of the week and all you can do from here is correct your mistakes and make a better plan for the rest of the week. That’s what review and plan is all about. Review your week uptil now and point out your mistakes and accomplishments. Accordingly, plan the rest of your week.

Break The Monotony

The best way to get yourself out of the midweek crisis is to break the monotony. There are many ways of doing it. Pick wednesday/Thursday for a special weekly lunch treat. Or make yourself a special midweek playlist. Or better even, plan a special creativity meet on Wednesdays. Choose wednesday to brainstorm and come up with new ideas. If none of these work for you, think of something else. But break the monotony. The monotonous schedule can make your midweek mania ride more dull and scary.

Persistence Is The Key

There is no alternative to persistence.
There is no alternative to persistence.

Image Credit: Unsplash.com

As long as you are breathing, it is not the end. The key to any organisational success is to keep trying. Keep working and doing what needs to be done. Backing off is not an option. Irrespective of the crisis, you need to face the rest of the week and make things happen. At the end of the day, success is always a result of persistence. The talent, the planning, the luck and everything else are just important ingredients. But there can be no results without persistence.

Happy Midweek mania ride, you all! Always remember, it is only as good as ride you make it and as bad as you let it be!