Stop Making These Job Mistakes While Job Hunting

Why am I still not able to get a job?

Stop Making These Job Mistakes While Job Hunting

There’s so much that can go wrong when you’re looking for a job; the good news – a lot of that can be prevented.

You may be getting called to interviews, but once the actual meeting or conversation takes place, things don’t work out. If you’re wondering what you’re doing wrong, maybe you’re making some of these most common yet overlooked mistakes.

Be Clear About The Resume

Ralph Dsilva is the Operations Head at Fruitbowl Digital, a creative digital marketing agency founded in 2010, with clients such as Reliance Energy, Mumbai Metro, Hilton, TATA, Vadilal, Zodiac, BMW, Saint Gobain, Sansui and more.

Ralph feels that being prepared is the keyword for acing any interview, and that begins with what you’re putting in your resume. “As a recruiter, I come across a number of applicants who’re not even prepared for the interview, let alone the job. Make sure that your resume gives the interviewer the right information in the most readable format. That is always the first filter. Make a simple and crisp resume with pointers that highlight factors relevant to the role you’re applying for.”

Speak But Listen Too

You have to talk about why you should be hired and how you can help in the company, but it’s also important to listen what others are saying. This can also give you cues about what the potential employer is looking for and can help you frame your responses in the most appropriate way.

Be A Confident And Comfortable Speaker

“Know how to put your strongest points across verbally”
“Know how to put your strongest points across verbally”

Being confident and comfortable about the entire meeting can help. “Dressing well doesn’t do much if you can’t verbally put your strongest points across” says Ralph. “Do some research about the company, understand the job role and know what it demands. It’s alright to be unsure of what you want to do and apply to companies to explore the possibilities. Make sure you can bring some clarity to the table about how you can be useful to the company.”

You may have all the skills they’re looking for, but unless you put it across in person, it may not go in your favour. So stay calm and take your time before you speak.