This Can Help You Stay Motivated At Work

If you’re often getting bored or not sure what you’re doing and why this could help

This Can Help You Stay Motivated At Work
Image Credit: Pinterest

We all have those good days and those bad days, but sometimes, we also have that in-between kind of days, where we don’t really know what we are doing and why, and almost nothing seems to give you that inspiration to get that work done anymore.

When nothing looks that positive, maybe trying one or some of these could help.

Know That You’re Adding Value

When you know you’re adding value, it can make it worth it
When you know you’re adding value, it can make it worth it

Priti Rathi Gupta is the Founder of Ishka Films and is also the Managing Director of Anand Rathi Shares and Stockbrokers. According to her, “Whether you are in a job or doing something of your own when you add value to your customers, it’s the biggest motivator. When you see your product or service change other people’s lives, it’s the most rewarding feeling.”

If you’re not sure about how your work is helping someone, find out a bit more about the end purpose of your organization, if you’re in a job. Knowing how your work helps your customers can be a big motivator.

Give Yourself Small Goals

While everyone tells you to set bigger and better goals, it is absolutely fine to give yourself smaller goals that you can reach faster, before you move on to the next. Of course, you should have a big end goal, but while you’re reaching there, try and give yourself small steps to climb the ladder fast.

Look At Things In A Different Way

If you’re managing your business, says Priti, every failure can make you stand up and strive harder. If something didn’t work, try a different way to get the results you’re after. While we get inspired by the success stories in the startup world, not everyone has succeeded in one go and that’s okay. Success after failure is sweeter.

Create A Visual To-Do

Jot down a to-do list on paper and put it up on your workspace. As you keep completing each task, tick it off the list. Seeing the list get completed can also be a great way to motivate yourself and give your best shot.

Always try and connect with your colleagues. Sometimes, a quick chat or a refreshing coffee break can also do wonders to a dull and unproductive day.