What To Do When Someone Questions Your Expertise At Work?

How to respond when a peer doubts your expertise at work?

What To Do When Someone Questions Your Expertise At Work?

It can be frustrating when a colleague blocks your effort at work, and throws your credibility under the bus. You might have put years of academic and professional experience. And you must be hired into the position because of your technical accuracy. So, someone questioning your expertise can seem to attack the base of your work reputation.

In the film ‘All The President’s Men’, editor questions the sources and efficiency of reporters Carl and Woodward. But they both succeed in uncovering the Watergate scandal and write front page stories, putting themselves at great risk
In the film ‘All The President’s Men’, editor questions the sources and efficiency of reporters Carl and Woodward. But they both succeed in uncovering the Watergate scandal and write front page stories, putting themselves at great risk

Image Credit: Movie – All The President’s Men

Haresh Thakker, Manager in an IT firm, suggests that it can be difficult to continue working at a place where your expertise is constantly doubted. He says, “A person works for the company, but also has his own interest at heart. He will not be motivated to work if he is not getting due respect for his knowledge and expertise. Often, it may be necessary to take the decision to move forward if there is no other solution.”

So, How Should You Respond If Someone Questions Your Expertise At Work?

You Must Respond, But After Consideration Of The Situation

You must not let the situation past unnoticed. As this may set the precedent for future interactions. So, it is imperative to confront the person. However, you must first consider whether what they said was meant only for the particular situation. This could be an opportunity to introspect and finesse your skill. Whether you really were wrong, or whether the person is speaking after being influenced by competitive workplace dynamics. This analysis will help you to respond appropriately.

Remain Strong Mentally

It would be natural to be shaken or nervous when your niche knowledge is questioned. But you have to trust yourself. Emotional resilience is important, to respond to the situation and to remain confident. Professionalism demands that you ‘appear’ in control even if you feel you are not. Perpetuating the drama of the situation feeds the other person’s appetite.

Upgrade Your Skills To Remain In Control

If you are actually up-to-date with your knowledge, then such confrontations at work will be less stressful and you could undauntingly assert your viewpoint. Hence, it is important to be constantly alert to updates in the subject of your expertise.

These work approaches can help you respond appropriately if your expertise is questioned at work.

Read Also: What To Do When Someone Takes Credit For Your Work