What To Do When You Disagree With Feedback At Work?

If you’re feeling hurt and angry, do this

What To Do When You Disagree With Feedback At Work?
Image Credit: glassdoor

It could be feedback at your appraisal, something your boss is telling you casually, a comment from a client, or just sudden advice or feedback you’re getting from a colleague that you definitely didn’t ask for.

No matter who’s giving the feedback, you definitely don’t agree to it and feel that they can’t see your point of view and are just being unfair.

But if you plan to stick around and continue working, there’s something you need to do.

And that is – nothing!

It’s Best To Do Nothing

Use your own judgement too
Use your own judgement too

Kartik Raichura is the Founder and CEO of Websites.co.in, an app based solution that helps businesses and people create their own website. According to him, the first thing to do when you receive feedback is to not react at all. Most people have an immediate urge to strongly negate the given feedback because instead of listening to what is being said, we end up focusing on other things such as the tone of voice, the person who gave the feedback and also if you’ve had an issue with them in the past.

Understand It Or Ask Questions

Kartik also adds that instead of getting angry or upset when you disagree with a feedback, try to understand it deeply. Ask questions for examples and scenarios where you did not do what was anticipated and how you could have done it better.

Once you have completely understood the expectations, set an action to course correct it and improve on your skills and competence.

What To Do If The Feedback Makes No Sense?

If the feedback is completely absurd and you know you’re in the right, you can tell them about it in a positive tone and back it up with past situations which can show that what the feedback says is not correct.

Rope In A Friend At Work

If you’re not able to make head or tail of the feedback, it’s also a good idea to rope in a colleague who you are friends with and who can help you understand the same feedback from a different perspective. Often, hearing it yourself you may not figure out what went wrong, but discussing it with the colleague could make you see some sense in what has been said.

Getting feedback does not have to always mean that you take it too. Use your own judgement and avoid reacting in a negative way, which can harm your professional reputation.