Here’s What I’m Reading On International Children’s Book Day

Do you know the famous 19th century author whose birthday is on this day?

Here’s What I’m Reading On International Children’s Book Day

My earliest memories are of me sitting with a book open in front of me, without even remembering whose book it was. And another very vivid memory I have and an old snapshot to go with that memory is of me sitting with a newspaper when I was just over a year old and trying to spot the letter A in the words.

Trying to read from as early as I could sit up on my own
Trying to read from as early as I could sit up on my own

That was the start of my reading life, and no wonder that for me, each day is a book day.

What Started The International Children’s Book Day?

The International Children’s Book Day is a global event that is held each year on the 2nd of April, which is also the birthday of the Danish author Hans Christian Andersen. The day is used to celebrate children’s literature and to encourage children (and adults can join in too!) to pick up a book and read. The first event was held in the year 1967 and has been picking up ever since. Each year, a different country hosts the event, and this year, Latvia is the host for the event.

Growing Up With The Hans Christian Andersen Stories

The man who inspired the International Children’s Book Day event

Image Credit: facebook

I still remember my first book by Hans Christian Andersen, which happens to be one of the first books I had and I remember very well. It was a huge volume that held all of his most famous works and was a lovely hardbound book with a white cover that had the typical fairy tale illustrations of birds, woods, animals and the famous characters.

Oh how I spent hours bent over that book reading some of the best classics such as Thumbelina, The Little Mermaid, The Ugly Duckling, The Emperor’s New Clothes and more. And if you have seen the craze that the Disney movie Frozen has brought about in the last few years, you guessed it right, the author of the Frozen story is also the same man himself – Hans Christian Andersen, who wrote the original story The Snow Queen, which was then adapted by Disney!

Here’s What I Am Reading Today

I am reading The Stars Beneath Our Feet by David Barclay Moore and Behind Her Eyes by Sarah Pinborough
I am reading The Stars Beneath Our Feet by David Barclay Moore and Behind Her Eyes by Sarah Pinborough

Image Credit: instagram

In a time like this, when almost all our heads, including those of our little friends are bent down to a screen, picking up a real book and reading it seems like such a special event. I spent at least an hour or two each day to read something literary, and that is my personal way to switch off and relax.

Have you read anything today, apart from just reading what I wrote? If you did read something, or are going to, do drop in a comment with the name of the book and the author, and I would love to check it out. And yes, take a shot at the two books I am reading today, you won’t be disappointed!

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