5 Foods That Instantly Bring Us Memories From School Days

The days from childhood are so dear, but the memories from school are dearer especially everything around food

5 Foods That Instantly Bring Us Memories From School Days

The time spent in the school is nostalgic. After all, it was the best time of our life with carefree days and so much time to do things we loved. How we wish of bringing those days back and reliving them.

There are so many glorious memories from school days and food was an important part of those days. The school canteen was the place we shared not just food but gossips, laughter, and pranks. Ah…those days. Didn’t we just wait for the recess bell to ring and gorge on our favorite food? Sure we did! So let’s check-out foods that bring back the memories of school days.

Cotton Candy

Cotton Candy
Amitabh Bachchan becomes a child again with AbRam

Image Credit: plus.google.com

I remember we called it ‘buddhi-ka-bal” and were fixated on the idea of having this sweet delight. There’s was no match for the time we waited eagerly for the candy man to handover our order.

Muli ka Paratha

Muli ka Paratha
Smelled obnoxious, but tasted absolutely delicious

Image Credit: foodviva.com

And how can we forget this obnoxious smelling delight? The whole class knew in no time that someone has brought muli-ka- paratha. The foul smell never stopped us from having the scrumptious paratha.

Omelet and French Toast

Omelet and French Toast
The soft omelet and with ‘kadak’ toast is the best!

Image Credit: authenticfilipinorecipes.com

Let’s admit we caused our vegetarian folks in school to run crying when they saw omelet, eggs and French toasts in our lunch. But it was easy to make and a delicious brunch that we all loved.

Bread rolls and Bread Pakodas

Bread rolls and Bread Pakodas
The crispy golden delight that is hard to resist

Image Credit: youtube.com

And how can we even forget the crisp, fried and stuffed bread pakodas and rolls? They were the best snack we got in the canteen and probably a must-have for any birthday party or treat we celebrated in school.

Cold Coffee and Milkshakes

Cold Coffee and Milkshakes
Milshakes in those glass bottles makes us nostalgic!

Image Credit: loveandoliveoil.com

Do you remember the glass bottle in which we got milkshakes and cold coffee? And do you remember how we slurped it through the straw? We made funny noises and sipped every bit of it even when it was finished.

So how about grabbing some of these old school days food staple and remembering the good old school days?

Read Also: What’s Your Favorite Memory Of Food From Mom’s Kitchen?