Did You Know Why Shilpa Shetty Took Up Yoga So Seriously?

Shilpa feels “yoga is the road to happiness!”

Did You Know Why Shilpa Shetty Took Up Yoga So Seriously?
Image Credit: gyanunlimited

Amongst other ways of keeping oneself as fit as a horse and immensely healthy is yoga, one of the most efficient methods. This practice is not relatively new; it finds a vivid mention in the Vedas and dates back to the Indus Saraswati civilization in North India over 5000 years ago. Being well acquainted with any craft is the first major step to mastering it. This World Yoga Day, let’s educate ourselves a little about yoga and the myriads of benefits it has in store for us, as one of the biggest faces of this endeavor, Shilpa Shetty, shares with us her views on Yoga.

Shilpa Shetty, the beautiful and glamorous person that she is has been one of the pioneers who have endlessly encouraged people to participate in the art that is yoga. She maintains a strict diet regime which enables her to keep her weight in check. Speaking about the importance of maintaining a workout routine the older you get she says, “Once you are over 35, you lose a lot of muscle mass and bone density. You need to work on strength and agility.” Shilpa also maintains that she is not involved in cardio workouts as much and prefers taking a walk or the stairs whenever possible.

Yoga like any other forms of exercise will prove a futile activity if not combined with a proper diet. Shilpa Shetty has some interesting insights to offer in this regard as well. “You only need energy in the day that is why we need to keep the carbs low at night. I take a high-protein fiber diet at night.” She says. Shilpa encourages consuming red rice or brown.

You can be motivated by any reason whatsoever to get into yoga but once you do, yoga offers not just peace of mind but happiness and the actress equates both with one another.

In addition she also speaks of the numerous benefits of Savasana and how it can boost your blood circulation.

Shilpa feels it is okay to cheat on your diet once in a while
Shilpa feels it is okay to cheat on your diet once in a while

Image Credit: ndtvfood

If you think you will have to give up good food entirely then you are mistaken. You can occasionally indulge in biriyani and butter naan, because Shilpa Shetty understands your cravings as do we. Nonetheless making yoga an essential part of your daily routine is imperative. So let’s opt for health this world yoga day and take a yoga turn!