Here’s The Secret Behind Milind Soman’s Greek God Looks and Fit Body!

Did you know that Milind runs all his marathons barefoot!


My association with this extremely good-looking man goes way back to the time I was working with him for a TV show called Captain Vyom. He’s not just good looking but also one of the most humble, nicest, friendly, and cool actors to work with. He’s one of the most fun-loving people to work with too. It was party time every evening after pack up with Milind around, working with him has been one of my best experiences!

Milind and me during the shoot of Captain Vyom

It was great connecting with him after all these years. Except for his salt and pepper look now, Milind Soman just doesn’t seem to age! BTW we’re not complaining about his salt and pepper look. Not at all! Are we?

So what is it that makes this man so desirable? Well, most women would say his drop-dead good looks and that charming smile but am sure most of the men are jealous of the way he still looks fit even at 50! But Milind makes staying fit sound so easy!

Speaking exclusively to HFT, Milind tells us how it doesn’t take too much effort to stay fit. He says that all one needs is to have a goal for anything we do. Even when it comes to fitness, one needs to have a goal. Milind’s goal was to run a marathon, similarly, everyone needs to have a goal. “You have to have a goal even to stay fit or a goal of your workout. What you need to decide first is if you plan to work out, you should clearly know why? What is the purpose? Is it just to be fit, or to run a marathon or lose weight? Once you determine that then plan the workout accordingly,” says Milind.

Milind feels that to stay healthy one really does not need to work out, all that one needs is to stay active. “There is absolutely no need to work out at all. All you need to do is stay active, walk, swim, cycle, just stay active that’s all,” says Milind.

He eats everything that he likes and doesn’t believe in following a diet at all. The only thing that he says he has cut down on is refined sugar. He eats jaggery or honey instead of sugar when he has to.

Running marathons is his passion, it’s something that he enjoys doing. Speaking about the same the he says, “To run a marathon, one needs to train. Training can take about 16 to 18 weeks depending on the kind of marathon one ones to run.” While he is not sure if there are qualified coaches for the same, he says that one can train with running groups.

FYI Milind runs all his marathons barefoot because he says the nerve endings can feel the ground and send signals to the body.

We move on to discuss Pinkathon, something that is very close to his heart. He tells us that he wanted to run a marathon ever since he was a child and he finally did around almost 15 years ago, in 2003, when he did the half marathon at the Mumbai Marathon.”After that, I was hooked! That was the beginning of my marathon addiction,” says Milind.

He proudly tells us how Pinkathon has grown over the years. “When I started running marathons, I realized that the participation of women was very low and that’s when I felt the need to encourage more women to run. When we initially started we started with one city and around 2000 women who took part. Today we have around 65 thousand women across 8 to 10 cities who actively take part in the Pinkathon,” says Milind proudly.

Well, we’re not surprised! Because Milind had shared an interesting fact from his life were when he was around 10 years old, a palm reader told his mother he would always be surrounded by women! Milind is not new to female attention anyways!

On a serious note, he is doing a wonderful job by raising awareness about breast cancer among women and encouraging them, (including me!) to lead a healthy life.

Milind says, “Pinkathon is a movement, and each woman who joins the Pinkathon becomes an ambassador. Women are a key to change and when a woman takes the lead, the house responds. So women should encourage other people and also be a good example to your children. Teach them the importance of living a healthy life.”

On a parting note, Milind tells me,”Manisha you must start running and encourage other women to do so too!” I am going to give that a serious thought for sure Milind!

For all those who are interested in joining the Pinkathon, the next one is happening in Pune on 26 November 2017 and in Mumbai on 17 December 2017. Ladies here’s your chance to impress Milind!

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