Here’s How To Prepare For Competitive Exams When You Have A Full Time Job

How to manage studies and a full-time job at the same time.


It can be very exhausting if you are managing a full-time job and studies in the same year. Whether you are preparing for an MBA entrance exam or the civil services exam or preparing for a certificate to upgrade your skill, it is taxing to be putting in the hours at work, and studying before and after your work hours.

Personal life takes a hit, you have to let go of leisure hours, and meal times may find you buried in a book. So, how does one manage both the tasks well?

Improve your reading speed

Set a minute on the timer, and check how many words you cover in a minute. Then gradually, with practise learn the art of speed reading. This means concentrating on the key words in a sentence, skipping rhetoric, and learning the gist of a subject from the conclusive paragraphs. This is an important skill to cover vast ground in the syllabus.

Planning your routine

To avoid stress, you need to plan your day well, and keep fixed schedules. It is better to study at the same time every day. This leaves the non-study and non-work hours free from anxiety.

Using the commute well

If you plan your study routine well, you can use the commute to read less-demanding subjects or to revise. So often, one finds students studying on trains and buses, and it is a great way to make the most of your time. One can also record notes, and listen to the audio in commute.

Using the spare moments

Waiting in queues, at the elevator, at the GP’s or for your turn at the ATM, you can use all these spare moments to catch up on the revision. With the digital age, all notes can be saved on your cell. Some also use flash cards, there are study apps, as well as YouTube tutorials for almost all subjects.

Optimal multitasking

You can multitask with work and studies during non-brain activities like cooking, cleaning up and exercising. You can use these moments to think over important tasks at work or studies to ensure that you are prepared at the moment of decision.


It is inevitable to sacrifice some personal leisure time like movies, parties, picnics, trips and weekends. When you take on two demanding roles, you have to be prepared to compromise instant gratification for longer term goals.

Keep your boss informed

Most modern work places appreciate when an employee strives to upgrade his skill. So, keep your boss informed of your plans, and they will surely accommodate your interests and priorities. This will also help you to take time off for study leaves and giving the exam.

While it can be strenuous to work full-time and study at the same time, it can be a rewarding experience for personal and professional growth.

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