Here’s Why Akshay Kumar Feels That Every New Actor Should Do At Least 5 Films Down South Before Bollywood!

Akshay says respecting other’s time is one of the things Bollywood can learn from the South film industry besides other things. Read on..

Image Credit: rvcj

Akshay Kumar’s 2.O down along with Superstar Rajinikanth is all set for release. Akshay plays a negative character; an eccentric scientist called Richard, while Rajinikanth plays the hero. Akshay tells Hot Friday Talks that he’s learnt a lot from the film. Shooting for this film has been an eye opener and he’s come back learning so much more. He also shares that he would love to work with more directors from the South as their way of thinking is very different.

Akshay had to spend hours doing makeup as well as removing it for his role in 2.O

Image Credit: Movie – 2.0

That’s not all Akshay also feels that the South Indian film industry is far more technologically sound. He says, “You cannot compare with the South when it comes to technology. As far as technology is concerned, they are advanced. Also when it comes to being professional too they are more professional. If it’s a 7.30 am shoot, everyone is ready by 7.30 am unlike here where people will land up by around 9.30 for a 7.30 am call time. Everyone from the superstars to the rest of the crew, they all are there on time. We can learn a lot from them. I feel that a newcomer should do at least five films in the South and then come to Bollywood. They will learn a lot from there.”

Akshay says that the film crew down South also works faster.”There the people take about 35 to 40 shots as compared to us here in Bollywood where we do only about 12 to 13 shots in a day. They are fast and they do not take others for granted and value other people’s time. They do not disrespect anyone. That kind of respect is something all of us can learn here,” he continues.

Speaking about his co-star Rajinikanth, Akshay had nothing but good things to say about him. He was all praises about Rajnikanth. He said that if there is one thing that he would like to imbibe from Rajnikanth then that would be his humble nature. “He is a very professional and extremely humble man. He is very honest and does not put on, he is just the way he is. If there’s one thing I have learned from him and would also like to imbibe, it would be his humble nature,” added Akshay.

Akshay says he would love to be as humble as Rajnikanth

Image Credit: Movie – 2.0

2.O is being touted as one of the biggest science fiction films in India and everyone is looking forward to it. “Technically, this is one of India’s finest films, it is an original 3D film and I would advice everyone to watch it in 3D. It’s also an amazing concept and I would say that Mr. Shankar is the kind of director you could compare with James Cameron with a shot of steroids! We obviously cannot compete with the Hollywood science fiction films because their budgets are probably 17 times higher than ours, this is India’s attempt to try to make something like they do. The concept and social message of 2.O are amazing,” added Akshay.

Speaking about his role as a villain, Akshay says, “The best part of playing a villain is that we need lesser dates than when we play a hero(LAUGHS). Rajinikanth sir had to shoot for more days than me.”

While Akshay makes playing the villain in 2.O look like a breeze, we do know how difficult it is to do a part like that. We know the amount of patience and hard work he has put into that character and we also know that nobody else but Akshay Kumar could have done it!

Here’s wishing him all the best for 2.O!