Things that Akshay Kumar learnt from Toilet: Ek Prem Katha


Akshay Kumar has started a toilet revolution all across the country via his film, Toilet: Ek Prem Katha. He in return has learnt a whole lot of ‘toilet facts’ because of the film. Akshay spoke to HFT and this is what he says he learnt from the film, besides the immense ordeal people, especially women, face due to the lack of toilets

1.Toilet is a risky subject and that’s probably why a lot of the other actors who were also approached, refused the film.

2.Women in real life around India, actually said that they would not marry the man because there was no toilet in his house. “It was amazing to see how many women came out in the open against this cause,” adds Akshay

3.Post all the promotions and trailers and events that happened during the pre-release phase of the film, people have openly started talking about toilet, ‘sandas’ and ‘sauchalaya’. It was a taboo but now more people are open about it.

4.Akshay has realised that the youth are our strength, they come out with great ideas so they are the ones who will change mindsets. “I remember someone defecating at the beach, and when I asked him why he was doing that since there was a toilet around, he was like “Mazaa aata hai!” That is the kind of mindset in our country that I am talking about, but that will soon change and our youth will do that.”

5.It is not the government’s fault, it’s the mindset of the people that needs to change.


6.He has learnt that while there are all kinds of things written on walls of public toilets for men, the walls of the women’s public toilets have the most absurd things written on them.

7.Real life stories are intriguing, there are so many issues that plague our country. We all have to work towards bringing a change. The media needs to write more about the problems people face because of the lack of toilets, it’s important to highlight that even more than the film.


We say: Point noted Akshay. HFT wishes Akshay and team all the Best!