Who’s Biopic Will Rishi Kapoor Play Soon?

This time a totally different professional worth a biopic

Image Credit: dawn.com

The idea of biopics are especially gaining ground day by day, especially after Ranbir Kapoor’s portrayal of Sanjay Dutt in the film called ‘Sanju”, film-makers are more keen on making biopics these days. Rishi Kapoor was asked in a recent interview about his comments on a biopic made on his own life! And his answer to that? It was hilarious when he said his life was too boring to be made into a film. Rishi Kapoor has never been a very controversial actor and hence his answer might not have surprised many but at the same time, his next statement astonished a whole number of people!

Rishi Kapoor has reportedly been approached by a director to play the character of Khushwant Singh in a film! Though it has been six months since he was approached with a role, Rishi Kapoor says that it would really excite him if he was able to portray the life of Khushwant Singh through a biopic.

With his Mulk slated to release soon, he is already being approached by the media and the paparazzi is nowhere to stop if he does indeed play the role of this renowned author and columnist.

Khushwant Singh was a very well-known Indian author who died in the year 2014. He was not only an author known for his book “Train to Pakistan” but remarkable works like “Delhi” and his witty columns have often drawn huge amount of attention. Singh was also a parliamentarian along with being a lawyer and a diplomat. A film on his life would not only answer a lot of questions readers have had but also the controversies that have surrounded him regarding his lifestyle and habits!

Apart from being an effective writer, Singh was a lawyer and a diplomat too

Image Credit: meditativemind.org

Rishi Kapoor also went on record to point out that he would be more suited to play the old and “fat” Singh rather than the younger version at this stage of his life. Though this news is extremely exciting especially for Khushwant Singh fans, no confirmation has been gotten from the actor or the director regarding whether it is a finalized project. The date on which it is supposed to go onto the floors is also still a mystery. We hope that the film does take shape and evolve into a wonderfully made biopic very soon!