Why Is Sunny Leone The Latest Fitness Icon?

Revealed – A few secrets about Sunny Leones envious physique

Why Is Sunny Leone The Latest Fitness Icon?

The Bollywood actress, Sunny Leone has shown her mettle in the fitness world as well. A staunch believer of healthy eating, regular workouts and keeping fit, Leone has even launched her own fitness channel “Fitstop” on MTV Beats. She has been involved in fitness since her younger days, and tries her best to squeeze in at least an hour of exercise and workouts, and eat healthy even on her busiest days. So, if you have been wondering about the secrets behind her athletic figure and attractive curves, here are a few of them revealed:

Recently we have seen a range of videos of Leone’s rigorous workout sessions on her social media pages. Leone has revealed that she starts her day with a 20-minute walk to burn calories, kick-start her body and maintain her energy levels for the day ahead. She believes in regular gym workouts at least thrice a week for a fit body. She likes to keep at least 35 to 40 minutes aside each day for her cardio workouts. Her workout regime includes arm stretch, semi-side lunge, upper-body twisting, quadriceps stretch, shoulder rotation, hip rotation, side-to-side bending, Pilates, heavy weights, lunges, push-ups, leg press and steps.

The fitness freak performs arm rotations, push-ups, roundhouse punches, triceps arm push with chair dips and shoulder rotations to condition her upper body. For her lower body, she does front kicks, side-kicks, high-knees, squats, lunges and push-ups. She practices boxing to tone her arms and stomach and develops her core muscles with leg raises, flutter kicks, jack-knife, bride-ups, crunches and planks. She finally cools down with shoulder stretch, arm stretch and ample neck stretch.

Leone enjoys performing yoga as well, and has a special liking towards hot yoga. Leone believes that yoga tones up her body and keeps her mind peaceful and calm.

Leone consumes lots of water and fresh juices to keep her skin glowing

Image Credit: flickr.com

Leone gives a healthy boost to her day by consuming fresh coconut or lemon water. Being from a Punjabi background, she needs to be very conscious of what she eats. Since she has a weakness for coffee, she advises coffee-lovers to consume a minimal amount of black coffee. She avoids junk food and soft drinks at all costs and keeps her breakfast filling and healthy with egg-whites, a glass of milk and toast. As the day moves on, she chooses chicken-and-vegetable salad for lunch and has fruits and nuts for her snack-time. She ends her day with fish, chicken and vegetables.

Sunny cheats on her diet once in a while
Sunny cheats on her diet once in a while

Image Credit: herzindagi.info

Leone also consumes lots of water, and coconut water for her glowing and blemish-free skin. She counts her calorie, sugar and salt intake as too much of them can be detrimental to health. For a cheat code, she loves to indulge herself in dark chocolate due to its many benefits!

Sunny Leone’s fitness regime does not ask you to eat less, but to maintain a healthy balance in what you eat. If we can resolve ourselves to follow her strict routine and diet, we can surely gain a healthy and attractive body as well.

Read Also: What Is Sunny Leone Up To These Days?