A Day Without Internet

Can you imagine? Can you, really?

Image Credit: Movie - Dear Zindagi

Believe it or not, we are all unknowingly addicted to this one human invention – the Internet. We need internet for everything. From studying, to working, to chilling, everything asks for an internet connection. There’s no way to avoid that. But there is something we can do in order to remain sane. It is to spend one day every month, absolutely without internet. It is not as difficult as it sounds. In fact, once you have done it, it feels great. It feels peaceful and relieving.

You Can Have Your FACE In A BOOK

Spend a day in another world!

Image Credit: Movie – Masaan

A day without Facebook sounds boring, sure. But not if you have a book to read! You can spend hours reading a book, without getting bored. Burying your FACE in a BOOK every once in a while can do wonders for you. Do not forget how important it is to Read for a happy and successful life.

Do Not SNAP! You Can Still CHAT Over Phone

Re-discover the art of talking!

Image Credit: Movie – 2 States

The n numbers of chatting apps and websites have cut down our verbal conversation to a bare minimum. We are constantly failing to realize the importance of actually *talking* to people. Chatting is not just a conversation over texts inside a chat box, chatting can also be a meaningful discussion over a phone call. So, do not snap when you cannot send texts for a day. Instead, try phone calls. You will love it!

What’s Ape?

We are all descendants of the Apes. And today, we dance on the tunes of something called WhatsApp. WhatsApp has practically replaced ALL other modes of communication for us, including meeting and talking. When we were apes, we had no other way of communication but an intimate conversation via language or signs. Why not go back to being an ape. No internet. Ditch phone calls too. MEET PEOPLE. Go out and have fun!

Go Goal It!

Google cannot do everything. It can help you grow.

Image Credit: Pixabay

Now that you cannot *Google it*, try to score a goal. I mean there was a time when we used to think over our problems and try to score a goal by finding the solutions ourselves. Today, we just Google it! How to say sorry to my girlfriend? How to deal with my parents? Maybe, a day without internet will give you an opportunity think and score a goal without Google uncle. That’d be something!


Meme time’s up. It is ME TIME!

Image Credit: unsplash

This is the era of memes, right? Memes have touched all of our lives and it’s practically impossible to distance yourself from this culture. Well, so be it. Meme is technically two times me. And a day without internet will give you time to take care of that ME. In the day without memes, concentrate on me me. Introspect. Understand yourself. Talk to yourself.

You can also cook yourself a meal. Or even go out for a walk. You can also write a blog. That’s exactly what I did. I have written this article without any use of internet. I think I did well. Or did I?