Joined A New Job? Here’s How To Deal With The First Day Jitters

How to get over the nervousness and be confident?

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Well, it is the season to start with those job things! Can’t even stress it enough that going for a new job is literally babysitting yourself through the “dos” and the “don’ts” all over again except there’s no mom or dad to help you through it because you’ve grown up now. The jitters remain for a week or so, so there’s no doubt that you are going to face it but preparing yourself for the same is mandatory.

The first day jitters happen just when your transport is about to enter the office premises. Don’t worry, it may seem scary but you can do it. However, what to do really depends on how you want to tackle the situation.

Here are certain guidelines to help you out with the first day jitters:

Don’t Be Late, It’s “Being Productive Time”

Honestly, being late at your first day is the last thing you could do for yourself. There’s no way you.

Grab A Coffee, Take A KitKat Break

Take a break and take some time to socialise with colleagues, to make yourself comfortable

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First day doesn’t mean you need to prove something to someone. It’s okay to take a break or two at times. Your boss might be totally worked up, but his position demands him to be so, you needn’t worry about his work. Concentrate on your day, and your table only, miss! During a break you can try to build a rapport with your co-workers so that your get to know them and feel comfortable around them.

The Diary Where You Write It All

You should have a diary where you can write it all. Writing helps. Till you get colleagues to gossip about at work, you can have your diary named Lily as your best friend. I mean, why not? It would help reduce your jitters and literally make you very comfortable amidst the unknown environment.

Dress Like A Professional, You Are Your Own Identity

We know you are a bombshell diva, but your work isn’t the right place for your dressing game. Dress decent and professional. If somebody ever told you that the first impression is the last impression, they are probably right!

Yes, first day at work can be hectic and cruel, but hey! You got your back like Beyoncé. Don’t worry. Plug in to some songs and you’ll be alright. We believe in your fire.