An Open Letter To Every Face By A Book

Ironically, new tools like “Facebook” have swept away all the faces I used to see as a book.

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Hi, I am a friendly neighborhood book! No, I am not a Spider-Man but a Spider-Man essentially exists in the minds of this world only because it of my cousin- Marvel Comics. Oh right, now there are movies, so maybe you don’t know much about it. But back then, these comics were hot! People were mad about it. I was quite jealous but then I had my share of readers too. I have seen many faces in the past but very less of the current generation. It’s strange but this current generation has found a new way of sticking their faces to the book- it’s something called Facebook! The most amusing thing is that it’s not even a book!! I am not really jealous of Facebook but I feel pity for the people of this era who choose over me.

Strike it off from your life and come back to us!

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An average 12th grader currently spends a staggering six hours a day on social media during their free time. I wish they could spend even a sixth of that time on me. You see, I am not very demanding. I don’t even cost much. And yet, what I and others like me give in return is absolutely priceless. Today, I write this letter to every face in the world on behalf of every book that exists on this planet. We miss you.

Hey? Hello? Ma’am? I miss you!!

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As much as it pains me to say this, but the truth is that we really miss seeing your bright and curious faces. We miss how the expression on your face changes with every word you read. We miss how you feel more confident and enlightened with every page you finish reading. We don’t even reveal spoilers by any chance. We love to see you reach the climax of fictional stories, we truly enjoy to see you get inspired by autobiographies, we admire you when you start reading self help books, and we are crazy about that innocent face you make when you read your first book ever.

We understand that you are still reading, even if it is something as useless as Instagram captions and Facebook posts. And I am not saying it doesn’t count. I have met my cousin book on the importance of social media and she told me how significant role it plays in your lives. So believe me, I understand.

I don’t mean to boast but what we offer can never be obtained from any digital media. When you read one of us, you learn to think critically and understand complex issues of life. Only then can you grow, both as a person and a professional. In order to build a better world, you must first become an informed, involved, and evolved citizen. And that’s exactly we help you become!

See you then? I hope so.

Yours truly,

Friendly neighborhood book.