Anything That Starts Has To End And Here’s How To Deal With It

All endings are new beginnings in their own sweet way.

Anything That Starts Has To End And Here’s How To Deal With It
Image Credit: Unsplash

As much as we hesitate upon the onset of new adventures in our lives, we also mourn their endings. After all, every beautiful thing comes to an end eventually and we just have to make our peace with it. Be it a relationship, your favorite TV show (Sorry to remind you but yes Game of Thrones is approaching its end) or a long awaited vacation, it can be a difficult transition from one phase to another. Here’s how to handle endings while maintaining your sanity:

Acknowledge The Ending


Image Credit: Movie – Avengers End Game

You end your “single life” when you marry someone. You end your college life to finally be a working adult. You end your life in one home before relocating to another. Inevitably, the next phase of our life is ready for you when you say goodbye to the past. One has to move on but the process in itself can be elongated due to your struggle with facing reality as it is. The end of an era can either be liberating or depressing, depending on how you look at it. The least you can do to begin the journey on a healthy note is to acknowledge and embrace the reality for what it is.

Focus On What’s Ahead

Instead of struggling with the fear of the unknown, you can focus on what’s coming ahead for you. Take this moment of uncertainty in the best stride possible and make the most out of it. Uncharted territories terrify us all but that shouldn’t mean we fall back into old patterns just because familiarity is less scary. You need to grow and for that, you need to pull yourself together for the upcoming ride. It’s an adventure that you have to believe you’re ready for. You have to push past an ending if you want to enter a new door. You’ll eventually find yourself prepared for the habits associated with your new home, new job or new found singlehood.

Pro Tip: To make it a smooth transition from your old home or old job, you can still meet up with your old friends or old colleagues at the same place you were accustomed to visiting occasionally.

Take This Chance To Explore

There is always so much left to learn and experience.
There is always so much left to learn and experience.

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Now that you’re in a new position altogether in life, take this opportunity to find skills in you that you had no idea about or meet new people or explore your new neighborhoods or even start watching a new show now that Game of Thrones is coming to an end. Like they say, all good things come to an end but at the exit lies a route to something new. Take that route. These new chances give us a choice to get to know ourselves better if utilized for that purpose.

Some endings we choose, some we don’t. For instance, the Avengers: End Game. We never wanted that game to end, did we? But it has to and we have to make our peace with it. However, in circumstances like these, we learn the art of self-preservation and our priorities. By putting the ‘end’ in the past, you can make space for all those fulfilling experiences that await you.