Are You A #Webqoof?

This is issued in public interest to know the fake and the fact on internet.


The age of information has overtaken us. The symptom of this overpowering is the creation of a new word in the English language- Webqoof. Are you a bewakoof on the Web? Then you are a Webqoof. One obviously would not brag about it, but definitely beware of it.

The ease and rapidity of WhatsApp forwards has ensured that we are up to speed with all that’s is hot and happening around us. But it also happens that one week we are told that having cilantro as garnish is good for eyes, and the next week we are told that cilantro teems with bacteria, and is not good for health. Who do you believe and why?

Webqoof is the name for all who believe everything on the internet is true. What Wikipedia says is gospel, regardless of the open editing feature. These are the the modern variants to Gandhi’s monkeys, See everything, Believe everything and Repeat everything.

Does the new 2000 note have a GPS chip? Did Ramnath Kovind get 3 million twitter followers with one hour of ascending Presidency? Did the South Delhi corporation replace 2 lakh Sodium Street Lights with LEDs?

So beware of fake videos and morphed images. While it is easy to fall prey to breaking headlines and sensational news, it is also important to check facts before passing on any bit of information among peers and friends.

So do not join the Flat Earth Society Society before checking the circumference of the earth. Protect yourself from being a Webqoof.