Biggest Yet Strange Turn-offs For All Genders

For few turn offs are universal turn offs.

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Everyone has a list of things that they wish to check before being with someone. While most of the pointers can be as popular as good breath, compassion, appropriate dressing sense and so on, others can be more private to us. However, on most occasions we find it difficult to explain ourselves why we weren’t attracted to that person or get blown off by them even though we got most of the things right. In that case, here are some of the biggest yet strange turn offs for all genders in contemporary times that we might not have been conscious about.

Bad Grammar!

But hey! We hope you don’t get a Ross for who (or whom?) bad grammar can be a BREAK!

Image Credit: TV Show – FRIENDS

If you fail to use correct grammar in your conversations, it would definitely be a deal breaker! Moreover, our virtual world has become more popular than the physical one. We often meet people online before we see them in person. Funnily, we crave to meet them online after we’ve met them in person too. Texts, tagging, comments- in short, the written language seems to express one’s personality and makes an important impression. It has been seen that not only texts like “Gm”, “Hw’s u?”, etc make a bad impression but using past tense along with “didn’t” is also a HUGE TURN OFF for people across all genders! Time to go back to Wren and Martin for a brush up maybe?

Enough With The Whining Already

There’s only so much patience your partner can give you, you should respect that and access it wisely.

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It is good to find someone with whom you can share all the ups and downs of your life. But hearing someone being constantly pessimistic about everything that’s going on? That’s a no-no! One definitely doesn’t want to hear that you are having a bad “day” every hour of the day. It feels like we are being dragged into that negativity and can hamper one’s decision of being with you.

Social Media Zombies

You’ll be on your phone and the one sitting across you might be wishing for you to choke on something!

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Coming back to the impact of the virtual world, it is also seen that a big turn off can be being on your screen all the time! We often see people trying hard to get photos of every dish that is ordered, carrying selfie-sticks and then struggling for good internet connection to ‘post’ every update ASAP! They seem restless and agitated in the physical world and it can be a deal breaker because they are making you miss out on the physical human interactions that are an integral part of every relationship.

Using Gender Stereotypes

It is vital to consider that our society is inclining towards feminism and that sticking to age-old stereotypes can reflect badly on your side. One can eye-roll on any such stereotypes that do not respect equality of all genders, like “guys don’t cry” or “why haven’t you shaved today, you’re a woman!”. Such a person is stuck in the 50’s and needs to disappear from your life.

We all have very different ideas of what’s in our checklist and of what makes a good impression. We can all agree or disagree with our own set of defences for each pointer too. However, at the end of the day it’s a good reminder to just be yourself, because there’s no way in hell you’re ever going to impress everyone. So, if you find it impossible to change something in yourself that has been a turn off for the other, you can wait for the one who actually finds your ‘Gm(s)’ cute.