How To Go On An Agressive Job Hunt?

Are you tired of looking for a job? It's time to go aggressive.

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The art of aggressive job hunting is a measure one takes in desperate times. As unique as it is, it takes a lot of courage to go all out and Chase your dream job. An aggressive job hunt entails a job that is centered at individual growth. It usually stems from a place of employee satisfaction rather than employer contentment. When you pull out all the stops to land the job you want to wake up to everyday, you end up on an aggressive job hunt. Here’s why it’s the new holy grail method on the job market:

No One Likes A Stranger

It is always better if your recruiter knows you.

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You become a politician, salesman, headhunter and a candidate in this new unique approach to land a new job. A prospective employer will take more interest in your file if they recognize your name. Network, network, network. Find your way and connections to your future boss. Hardwork in the right direction pays off. And if you’re lucky, it pays very well.

You can do either this or rely unsuccessfully on your resume till someone finds the time to open an email from an unidentified potential. A preliminary homework on your future company, bosses or even colleagues can help you homogenize in the work culture faster and you can fit right in.

Facts Speak For Itself

Facts never lie!

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A scientific study showed that this non-conventional method is factually superior than the old method of emailing resumes and waiting by the phone for a call. A group of traditional and non-traditional job hunters began their search at the same time. In the same period of time, the traditional method fetched 60% of the job hunters a decent job while it fetched 90% of the aggressive job hunters the job of their choice with averaged higher starting salaries. Changing your methods already, are we?

“No” Is Not The Final Word

When you’re out in the job market looking for the right fit, you’re scared of rejection. We all are. When you set out for a unconventional method of job hunting, you may have to face rejection more than usual because you’re approaching more employers than usual. As the number of rejections increase, so does the insecurity. But don’t you worry. Your perfect match awaits you. Instead of being pressure-packed and saying Yes to the first average job you’re offered, you need to understand that the rejection you receive isn’t personal. It’s like a game. When you recognize that No is a more probable outcome, you will get better and learn how to reduce your chances of ‘No’ going ahead. Overcoming the fear of rejection is what makes you an aggressive, effective and enthusiastic job hunter.

Do not mail your CVs to prospective employers. Do not get in touch with HR departments. Do not wait up for the “vacancy” sign to pop up. Make smart choices. Filter out jobs and do your due diligence. Are you the right fit for the job and is the company a right fit for you? If yes, you know what to do. The aggressive job hunting method makes you a relentless beast who doesn’t rest till you land your dream job.