#HaveSexSaveLives – Now How Does That Work?

A campaign that can save lives and spread happiness

Image Credit: refinery29.com

Remember Shahid Kapoor spreading awareness against HIV in his movie Kaminey in the song Fatak? And do you remember how he himself falls prey to his own words by having unprotected sex and turning into an expecting father? While that did a good job for as long as it lasted, the use of condoms has been at an all-time low.

On World AIDS Day, think of all those great nights where you broke beds with your partner. And while you are at it, think of the anxiety that followed the next day because you had forgotten to use that tiny blissful thing called a condom. In most developing countries, especially in India, the amount of sex that is being had cannot be checked. It is humanly impossible to do so because of the huge population here.

Ever since Adam and Eve fell from Eden, sex ceased being the necessity for reproduction. Instead, it has become the luxury that everybody makes a good use of, whether it be rain or sun, an early day from office or late night at a pub, on the bed or inside the “dancing cars”, remember PK?. People are having sex, a lot of it to be precise. But the concern is not there. The concern is when the little fellow named condom is forgotten. See, when you forget the umbrella, it is a problem because when it rains, it pours, and in this case, in the form of STDs, if not in the form of a baby you were not ready for. How bad can it really be you ask? The virus that will destroy the immunity system in your body completely and you will be just counting days till you die? Scary right?

If now you are scared then it’s good for you as well as the world because Durex has finally asked you all to have sex so that you can save lives. By purchasing Durex Red Condoms, you are not only making your own sex life very, very entertaining and devoid of anxieties, you are also contributing a fair share to the fund raised from the sale. This fund will help the people of South Africa, where currently 7.2 million people are living with AIDS. This program also entails Keeping Girls in School because this campaign also looks into preventing early pregnancy in young girls.

Using a condom is not just about preventing AIDS. Have you ever wondered that the rate at which the population is exploding, where will the newcomers stay? Sure none of us are planning on sending out lifetime invitations to them of staying with us. So if that is not the case, why indulge in unprotected sex and inflict more pressure on Mother Earth?

Sex is definitely great and no one is denying that. But what’s the harm if you take a little bit of care and think of the future and spread deadly diseases. Join hands with #HaveSexSafeLives and prevent HIV and AIDS from spreading because no one wants to live in a world which is diseased.