Here’s How You Can Serve Humanity Even After Your Death

Life goes on. But only if you allow it to!


When you’re alive and kicking, you’re too busy to care about humanity in general, leave alone being of some actual service. But how about after you are done with life? No, I don’t mean life after death or after-life scenario. I am talking about being of great service to humanity even after you are dead. Yes, it is possible. Have you heard of Organ Donation? You might have. Let’s learn more about it.

How Does Organ Donation Work?

Your donation could help as many as 85 people in need and save their lives. Volunteer today!

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So basically, there are certain organs in your body (like liver, heart, lungs, Kidney, Cornea, Bone Marrow etc) that can be surgically removed after your death and transplanted into somebody who needs it and has a chance to live. During the process, the organ or tissue is surgically removed from the deceased person (the organ donor) and transferred it into the person in need (the recipient). Transplantation is done in a scenario where the recipient’s organ has failed or has been damaged by disease or injury.

Organ transplantation is one of the finest advances in modern medicine and yet, people are highly unaware and uneducated about it. Millions of people in India are waiting for an organ transplant but the need for organ donors is much greater than the number of people who actually donate.

Become an organ donor today and save multiple lives when you die. Your kindness and compassion will live on forever!

Do Not Believe The Myths And Rumors

Anyone who needs an organ transplant gets listed on the National Organ Donation Waiting list.

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First of all, anyone can become an organ donor. There’s no age restriction. Secondly, do not believe the myth that you wouldn’t receive the best medical care possible. You will be treated like any other patient. The doctors treating you will know you are an organ donor only in event of your death. There’s neither any cost nor compensation for organ donation. The surgery of removing organs is done by professionals and there are no visible signs of organ or tissue donation. They make sure your family can practice a traditional funeral service for you.

The best aspect of organ donation is that the donation list isn’t impartial. Donation list is fair and based solely and strictly on match, medical criteria, time on the list, and severity of illness.

You can become a donor by registering in the government’s Donor registry ( or you can approach one of many NGOs who help with such registration and provide you with an organ Donation card. Make sure you inform your family before you choose to become a donor. This needs to be done out of courtesy as well as the facilitation of your wish as an organ donor.