Important Tips Before You Convert From Full Time Job To A Freelancing Career

It is not all fun on that “other side”. You got to do what you got to do!

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A freelancing career is the most sought after career in the professional world today. Millions of people are switching from a full time job to a freelance career. A freelancer can be anybody but most of the professionals in designing, IT, content, editing, and consultancy world prefer a career as a Freelancer. While remote working opportunities are on a rise, the transition from a full time job to a freelance professional is not as easy as it sounds. But at the same time, it is not really difficult as long as you are serious about it. Let’s make your transition as smooth as possible with these tips!

Start Saving. Like, RIGHT NOW!

The most important step of the transition process!

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You are about to do away with your fixed income in the form of Salary. This can be really scary and challenging. You will almost instantly miss the comfort and assurance of a fixed salary when the month end approaches. So, it is best to start saving before you leave your job for good. Do not take a snap decision. To begin with, start freelancing along with your job. Save as much as possible during this period and leave your job as soon as you land few reliable clients. The saved money will really help you and your lifestyle in the coming months of uncertainty and hard work.

You Need Not Plan EVERYTHING

Okay here’s a suggestion nobody else will give you. Almost everyone else will ask you to plan plan plan and plan a lot. Which isn’t wrong but you need to understand why you don’t need to plan EVERYTHING. Yes, planning is required but you need to leave some of it to time. With time you will start picking up pace and taking care of things. If on the day of the beginning, you start planning about your new office infrastructure, you might lose track. Instead focus on what you have in hand and live in the present.

You Might Have To Go Back

Never say “Never” attitude is a compulsion here!

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It’s okay to fail. And it’s even better to realize that you are not going to succeed at this. As soon as you realize that, you should consider going back to your full time job. Do not throw away your cards. Keep all the options open as long as you aren’t permanently set in your career. If at all, you are forced to go back, go! And go without any shame or regrets. You should be proud of yourself for trying. And who knows, maybe you will try again and succeed that time! Or fail. It doesn’t really matter. Just keep working!

Happy freelancing! All the best!