The Important Questions To Ask Before Accepting A Job

This is really important is you are looking for a new job!

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The nervousness and anxiety before finally accepting the “new” job offer is quite normal and understandable. But, you can always prepare yourself for it! The truth is that it is completely alright to be choosy and selfish when it comes to your own professional career. You will have to live and work with the choice you make and nobody else. So, make sure that you do not end up regretting this crucial decision. How? By making an informed decision! But how do we get informed? By asking the right questions!

Assuming that you have already sorted out the compensation and policy related details with the company, here are the additional qualitative questions you must ask.

What Is The Work Culture Like Here?

Your work environment directly or indirectly influences every aspect of your life.

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Your professional life entirely depends on the work culture of the company you are employed under. The company’s culture will directly or indirectly dictate your personal/social life, your motivation to work, your mental health, your growth prospects, and almost everything else. Understanding the company culture will also help you understand what you need to do in order to succeed within the structure of this company.

Also, how the culture addresses the conflicts is very crucial. You are about to get into one of the most important relationship of your life. The company – employee relationship! Where there is a relationship, there are chances of a conflict. Understanding the culture will give you an idea of how the company will treat you and the relationship in event of a conflict.

How Does The Company Evaluate An Employee’s Success?

Performance evaluation is integral to any company with a work force. But the catch is that every company has its own policy and style of evaluating the performance of its employees. It is extremely crucial for you to know and understand this style. You must know whether such evaluation is done periodically or on project basis. You must know how to succeed and earn a promotion within the company. Your growth within the company will depend on this very significant yet frequently overlooked question.

Does The Company Provide Any Educational Opportunity?

An additional training opportunity can be very helpful in the long run!

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A lot of companies offer training and educational programs to their employees. Such programs can help you a lot when it comes to advancing in your career. Such companies either offer a direct program or provide the employees with time and resources to visit the school and receive additional training. This is done with a purpose of retaining employees and converting them into a long term human capital. Basically, it is a win-win situation.

Ask these questions in addition to your regular number based discussions and the answers will really enlighten you with the power to make an informed decision! All the best ☺