Hinglish Vinglish – When The Brits Learnt To Say Chuddies

Being enslaved by the slave language

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The thing about irony is, when it comes to bite your behind, the rest of the world can have a good laugh. Too many of us think, being an Indian comes with way too many adversities, mob lynching and roads with potholes that can literally get you killed being only a few of them. But maybe we should also thank our stars that we were not born in the pre-1947 India, where, well, to put it nicely, you might have had your eyes gorged out or been a victim of programmed homicide or been beaten to pulp, just because our colonizers aka the British were bored.

Back home in Bollywood we already have several Hingish movie titles

Image Credit: Movie – Jab Harry Met Sejal, Dear Zindagi

Now, it has been some good 71 years since they realized that maybe killing brown people for spices or entertainment is stupid, and retreated back to their own sweet homeland. However, as life would have it, we followed their footsteps and landed in their country where the sole seasoning of food was salt and the sole season was (and still is) rainy.

Now would you look at our audacity -not only did we add flavors and colour and taste to the cuisine of the country, but now we are also taking over their language! Yes sir you read that right. Hindi, one of the several official languages in India, has long been fused with English by Indians who often find themselves or the colonizer’s tongue inadequate to express their emotions. From this hotchpotch of necessity was then, born Hinglish, the hybrid language that is now widely spoken across the business circle of India, the seventh largest economy in the world.

The British are more than happy to learn the new language Hinglish

Image Credit: tegenglish.com

On the other hand, this little thing called the Brexit is happening in the UK that can potentially threaten the employment conditions in the country, once it withdraws itself from the European Union. In this critical juncture, the youth of Britain have come to realize that they need to keep their job prospects as wide as possible. And hence, the growing popularity of Hinglish in the country has snowballed into one of their prestigious educational institutes, the Portsmouth College in Hampshire, actually offering a course on Hinglish for their students.

The course actually began last year in 2017 for a select group of students with the aim to create understanding and awareness about Hinglish and how it is being used in the society and business in UK as well as internationally. Initially only 18 students attended the Hinglish sessions regularly, who are now being asked to contribute in developing the course further. From the 2018-19 academic year, it is to become a regular feature of the Modern Business Language & Cultural Program.

Several Hinglish terms and phrases are slowly making way into the dictionaries

Image Credit: Pinterest

Words like “airdash”,”prepone” or “timepass” are some of the common terms that the students are made familiar with. Since Hinglish is taught using Roman letter rather than Devnagari, the students are finding it easier to learn, according to the analysis made by the college.

Crazy how the world works huh? One day you have some random white dudes taking over a whole country and executing exploitation on its people and the next moment you know, their successors are trying to learn the tongue of these former slaves molded around their mother tongue because karma is a lady dog and it has suddenly turned the exploited country into one of the fastest growing economies in the world.

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