Do You Have Online Dating Fatigue?

Got bored of dating people? It might be a sign of online dating fatigue

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A guy friend of mine called me up recently. We caught up on the happenings of each other’s lives. The conversation was going great till I asked him how many girls he was seeing currently. He replied, “None”. I poked my childhood buddy and asked, “Don’t lie, dude! You always used to be glued to Tinder even a few months back!” That’s when he revealed that he has deleted the dating app! W-what? I asked him if I heard him right. He said that he had deleted the app, as he was exasperated that he used to swipe right, but hardly found much matches. Even when he did, he would rarely get a reply! Out of the few who replied, and he met, they were not the kind of person he would like to date. After we spoke, I actually looked up about it and seems this is known as Online Dating Fatigue. Seems like a lot of people are experiencing online dating fatigue. Hee are few signs to tell if you have online dating fatigue.

You Are No More Excited When Someone New Messages You

You have online fatigue if you seem to have lost interest in people who message you over dating apps

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Unlike initially, when you started dating people you met on dating apps, you do not find any excitement, now. In fact, when someone new messages ‘Sup?’ your brain takes you through a tunnel showing you all the past ‘Sup’s and what a bore all of them turned out to be.

No Longer Are You Polite With The People Who Messages You

If you are chatting with someone and have to stop it for a certain reason for a few minutes or hours, it is polite to tell the other person so. However, if you do not do it anymore with the people with whom you talk, then that is a sign of reduced interest and dating fatigue.

You Do Not Travel Far For Dates

Dates are supposed to enthral you. When you go on a date you should be looking forward to it, choosing a good venue and going there no matter how far it is from your place. However, if you are only interested in meeting people if the venue is close to your house, then that shows that you have dating fatigue.

You Are Procrastinating Dates

Dates ought to make you jump on your toes and meet the person as soon as you can. If you find yourself actually postponing the date of your meeting then, you are looking forward to a break from dating.

You Want To Go Shopping Or Hit The Club With Your Friends

If it is not a date that you are looking forward to in the coming weekend, you have online dating fatigue. If meeting your friends, or even going out alone is what you are looking forward to then you are on the track of dating fatigue.

It is okay to take a break if dating apps are frustrating you in some way or the other. Dating is meant to make you feel good, and not frustrate you. It is okay to feel fatigued. You might take some time off for yourself, and get back later.

Read Also: 4 Online Dating Tips To Keep A Guy Interested