How Can We Do Raksha Of Our Freedom?

Let us celebrate Raksha Bandhan between you and your freedom!

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With Independence day and Raksha Bandhan falling on the same day this year- we have a new commitment to make on our table. It is the commitment to protect our freedom. While Independence Day is all about freedom, Raksha Bandhan is about a relationship with a commitment to protect each other. As per the culture, Raksha Bandhan is celebrated between a brother and a sister. But let us change the norm this time. Because it is no usual Raksha Bandhan, is it? It is Raksha Bandhan on 15th August!! So, let us build a relationship with our own freedom and swear to protect by all means!

Speak, Write, Listen, Challenge And Learn Without Fear

If you believe in what you want to say, JUST SAY IT!

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The best way to protect your freedom is by exercising it. Exercise your freedom to speak and say all the right things. Exercise your freedom to write and change the world with your words. Exercise your right to challenge the wrong and help bring the necessary change in the society. Exercise your freedom to learn and make sure you are improving every day. Do not fear anyone or anything. If you get scared and stop exercising your freedom, nobody else will be able to protect it for you. If you want to give a Raksha Bandhan gift to your freedom, start by putting it to good use. It is high time that you get out of your closet and set yourself free.

Do Not Abuse Your Freedom

Why give miscreants an opportunity to attack your freedom?

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The next best way to protect your freedom is by not abusing it. Just as soon as you start miscuing your freedom, you will find people coming after it. Do not give people a chance to take away your freedom. Do not give them a reason! It starts right at your home and has no practical end. Use the freedom that you are entitled to very judiciously and very meaningfully. You are extremely privileged to have this freedom. Abusing it would be an immense disrespect and an open call out for attackers to attack your freedom. Isn’t the best way to protect is to prevent a situation of hostility? Damn right, it is!

I hope you have found the freedom you have been looking for. And I hope you are able to exercise it. I wish you the strength to protect it and the wisdom to NOT abuse it.

Happy Intendance Day! And of course, Happy Raksha Bandhan!