Maybe You Didn’t Notice But Your Pet Is Basically Your Child

You ADOPTED them to begin with! (I hope you did)

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It is possible for you to think of this as an overstatement. And I understand! How can a pet ever be like your own child, right? Well, all I’d say to that is, “wait till your adopt one!”

It doesn’t feel like it right at the beginning. But it is somewhere between the journey (of you and your pet child) that magic begins to happen. From small things like taking care of them when they aren’t well to big things like fighting with people to protect them, you will start realising how much you love them, how your pet is indeed your child. Here’s a very cute and beautiful list to prove my point-

You Know Their Quirks

You know your pet’s needs and wants and fears and treats. Everything!

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Have you seen how a mother always has a way with their babies? Of course you have! And don’t you have a way with your little pet child? Don’t deny it! You do. When that furry little friend of yours doesn’t eat meal served by other members of your family, you come to the rescue. You somehow know the trick to make them eat! As the pet parent, you have learned many different quirks of your pet and you have also devised ways to handle them.

You know the likes and dislikes of your pet. If your pet is scared of something, you will make sure it stays away from them. That’s just how much you care about your pet, your child!

You Are Obsessed With Them!

DON’T YOU DENY IT! Just like a new mom or dad is obsessed with their child, you are too very much obsessed with your new pet child. Your Instagram is full of pictures of your super cute and handsome pet! You are extremely defensive when it comes to crass comments on those pictures. The chances are that your pet has also made it to your phone background!! If that wasn’t enough, you probably have a separate page for your cute little baby. DON’T YOU??

You Really Love Your Pet!

You both genuinely love each other!

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There are too many indicators to prove this precious love between you and your pet. You spoil them just like a parent would! Getting your pet expensive yet healthy treats even if you can barely afford it! What’s that? And of course the way you miss each other after being just hours apart says a lot too! You both are inseparable. Oh and the excitement to see each other after hours of missing each other says so much more. You love your pet and your pet loves you back!

Tell me how that cutest little baby isn’t your child? ♥