How To Handle The Mid-Year Crisis?

We have all heard of the mid-life crisis. But nobody ever talks about the mid-year crisis.

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Here is an absolutely and gravely underrated crisis that hits almost everybody every year. I call it the mid-year crisis. No, don’t Google it. You will not find anything on the internet because as I said, nobody ever talks about the mid-year crisis. But that doesn’t make it any less real.

So, What Is The Mid-Year Crisis?

The middle of the year is approaching and you start realizing that you have already spent (read wasted) first half of the year 2019. You begin to comprehend how this year was supposed to be YOUR year but nothing of that sort has happened so far. You also become conscious of the fact that most of your goals, resolutions, and targets are unachieved. In fact, you are not even half way there! You start feeling anxious. Every new day becomes a reminder of your failures. You feel scared, worried and completely lost. You are experiencing the mid-year crisis!

How To Handle The Mid-Year Crisis?:

Introspect And Accept Your Situation

Acknowledging the crisis is the first step of damage control.

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As soon as you realize that first half of the year is gone for good (or bad), instead of getting restless, start assessing your satiation. The good news is that you still have 6 good, VERY GOOD months in hand. But in order to make best of those months, you first need to introspect and evaluate yourself. Think about the time spent in the first 6 months and try to figure out what has caused this dissatisfaction in your mind. Did you spend too much time on the social media doing nothing at all? Did you in infinitely procrastinate your work? What went wrong? Make a list and accept your mistakes. Only by coming in terms with your current position can you think about improving the time ahead.

Plan Out The Remaining Time

As I said, you still have 6 good months in hand and you must use them to the best of your ability. With proper planning and sincere execution, you can actually make up for the lost time. Plan out the second half of the year IN DETAILS with as many short term goals as possible! Weekly or Daily goals and assessment will ensure that you do not lose track once again. The next 6 months are crucial for you and going unplanned will prove counterproductive even with the best of intentions.

Talk About It

A compassionate ear can make more difference than we care to admit.

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No matter what kind of crisis you are facing in life, the best and the only way out if to talk. Find yourself a genuine listener and spill it all out. Seek suggestions and advice from people you love and respect. Share with them your disappointments and your shortcomings. Do not drown yourself in the crisis by not sharing your emotions and feelings. Talking will not only reduce your stress but also help you in the planning ahead. Never underestimate the power of conversations. Good conversations have the potential of changing your life, for good.

Mid-year crisis is a fairly common phenomenon and we all go through it at one point or the other. It could be for personal reasons or professional or for something different altogether. But any which way, it’s there! So, it’s time we acknowledge it and move on to make the best of whatever is left of this precious year. For all I know, this might actually be YOUR year.