Imbibe These Life Lessons From Lord Shiva This Shivratri

Shiv Ratri is a special day especially for all the unmarried women read on to know why

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Did you know that the term Maha Shivaratri literally means ‘Great Night of Shiva’? It was the night that Lord Shiva performed the Tandava dance, the dance that is said to be furious and have the power to destroy the universe. There is a lot we can learn from Shiva’s life and that’s probably why he is also known as the Mahadev.

We’ve listed some important life lessons from Shiva’s life.

Respect Women Because They Signify Strength

It is believed that Shakti and Shiva are inseparable

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It is said that Shiva was Ardhanarishvara, which means that the female principle of God, Shakti is inseparable from the male principle of God, Shiva. Shiva also showed a great deal of respect to Parvati because he believed that she was his strength.

Believe In Minimalism

Lord Shiva stayed away from all materialistic wealth

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If you’ve observed the images of Lord Shiva, you will see that he’s always dressed in the bare minimum, clothes that are enough to cover him and all he carries is a damru and trishul and has a snake wrapped around his neck as an ornament.It is said that Lord Shiva stayed away from all materialistic wealth. No wonder he looks so content and happy!

Look Beyond The Present Problems

Any problem can be solved if we look beyond and open our mind’s eye

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Lord Shiva’s third eye or the Ajna Chakra has a story behind it. \It is believed that Parvati closed Shiva’s eyes and the universe went dark so Shiva had to open his third eye to provide light and energy to the world. By doing so, Shiva overcame the impossible, which goes to tell us that every problem can be solved if we look beyond and open our mind’s eye.

Meditate To Keep Calm

Lord Shiva was also called Maha Yogi

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Lord Shiva has one of the calmest faces. All the images we have seen of him shows him in a meditative pose, which tells us that meditation is the best way to stay calm and it’s also the reason for a healthy life which leads to a happy life! Shiva meditated for hours for the better of the universe, It’s no wonder then that Shiva was called Maha Yogi.

Lord Shiva was also said to be an ideal husband and that’s why it is believed that Shiv Ratri is a special day especially for all the unmarried women to pray for an ideal husband like Lord Shiva! What say ladies, want a partner like Lord Shiva?