What Employers Need To Understand About Our Generation!

Of course we are woke af. Our workspace should be too!

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Almost every generation of employees have their own set of developments as compared to the previous ones. But when it comes to our generation (The millennial & Gen Z), such changes are more drastic than ever. If you are still wondering who we REALLY are, here’s a more definitive answer- Millennials are those born between 1981–1997 and Generation Z, after 1997. An employer would probably be hiring only interns from the Gen Z.

Our generation of employees is way out of the conventional recruitment & service culture that has been running within the industry for generations now. It is now imperative that recruiters embrace these changes and understand how certain things affect our generation. A combination of many social and technological factors has impacted our generation in a way that our expectations from a job are much different from what it used to be. And in order to have a fruitful association, the managers have to understand this.

We Want More Flexibility

We crave the freedom to successfully maintain our work-life balance.

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The line between work mode on and off switches is really blurred when it comes to the workforce of our generation. Growing up with so much technological influence around us has made us much more tech savvy. In fact, the right word isn’t savvy, it is obsessed. We literally sleep with our laptops and smart-phones. This new culture also has a huge impact on the way we work. Technology makes work accessible from anywhere and everywhere. This accessibility deems our work mode to always to be switched on. The personal and professional life is difficult to separate because it is possible we are always working, and we are always not working too.

Thus, the traditional 9 to 5 office grind is something we are trying to run away from. What we are looking for is more flexibility. We would like to work from anywhere at any time. To understand more about flexibility at workspace, read this article.

We Are Not Very Patient

Growing up in world where access to answers was as instant as a click of a button, we aren’t exactly your patient employee. When we join a company, we expect to reap the benefits within a few years. Our goal isn’t long term but our expectations are high. A lucrative retirement plan will not attract us, not at all. A flexible timing, paid leaves, monthly performance bonus are few things that might just do the trick.

Moreover, we also expect fast feedback and recognition for our work. Not only that but we also expect our career timeline to progress much faster than traditional jobs used to offer. We are constantly looking for scope of development and better opportunities. The best way to retain us for a longer period of time is to meet all these expectations.

We Are Woke And We Expect Our Workspace To Be The Same

Company work culture is extremely important to us.

Image Credit: Unsplash.com

We are more tolerant, accepting, and diverse that any other generation before. Social Media and technology in general has played pivotal roles in our lives in keeping us more aware and informed about the community. We have grown up into individuals who embrace differences in other people. Be the difference be in age, race, religion, opinion or political affiliation; we are rational enough to respect them and be friends with them. Blending into new community and cultures comes naturally to us.

But there is more to this. Being aware also means expecting a workspace that is more empathetic and accepting towards all kinds of people. “Fair treatment to all” is one of the most important characteristics of a work culture that we look for. Things like Gender pay gap, discrimination against a member of the LGBTQ+ community etc are unacceptable and will be met with instant revolt. Social diversity and equality are extremely essential for us.

To all the employers, we hope you are listening. And to everyone in the workforce, I hope you find a compatible workspace for yourself!