Thursday Thoughts On “Flexible Workforce” – The Modern Workspace Trend

Unlike popular opinion, flexible workforce actually increases the company’s productivity.

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The trends in workspace is shaped and molded by those who occupy it. The occupants and their behavior is shaped and molded by the rapid evolution of technology. The modern day’s workforce has different priorities, different requirements, and different professional goals. And the companies have to change their operative as well administrative models according to such new trends. One such new trend that is rapidly increasing its influence across companies of all the industries is the concept of “Flexible Workforce”. Flexible workforce, in the most direct and easy language means “giving your workforce the flexibility to work where and when they want to”. This the new change that companies are rapidly adapting to because the traditional way of doing things will not only be perceived as unfavorable by potential employees, but also obsolete and counterproductive.

Less Overhead Costs

It is a win win! You are comfortable at your home and save commuting expenses. The company saves its resources it would have to provide you with!

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The cost of hiring independent professionals is obviously less than hiring the full time employees. Not only the company saves itself from fixed employment costs but also gets a rescue from several employee benefits, rules, and regulations to be followed as per various statues of law. Another huge advantage is saving on overheads if the company does not have to provide office at all. Furthermore, flexible workforce allows the company to practice effective and efficient scaling of employees as per their requirements.

Attracts The Talented

The current generation has a totally different mindset. These are the people who like to stay as independent as possible. Even before the companies choose its employees, the potential employees choose their choice of companies. And the best talents will only be attracted to companies that provide the scope of independent and flexible working conditions. Thus, if you run a company and you allow a flexible workforce, you will definitely have a much better talent pool to choose from.

More Productivity

Happy employees are more productive employees.

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The funda is pretty simple! The more satisfied and happy the employees are; the better efforts they put towards their job. So, how do you make your employees happy? It’s again a very simple funda! Give them an opportunity to have a fulfilling work and life balance. Voila! You will find yourself a set of extremely happy and satisfied employees. But how do you give that opportunity to the employees? By making them a part of your flexible workforce! At the end of the day, the business runs on the basis of results. So, if flexible workforce is more productive than the regular one, why not? Just go for it!

It’s high time that instead of concentrating on the time when your employee arrives and when they leave, start focusing on their results. Let them come and go at their own convenience but demand results from them. Not only will they produce results for you, they will do it happily!