Here’s How To Read A Work Contract Properly

Confused about what fine prints to read and understand? Not any more

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Reading a work contract can be really confusing, with so many terms and phrases that you may know nothing about.

While you will go through the financials and certain terms and conditions, it is extremely important to understand each and every aspect of your work contract, to avoid any problems in your work place in future.

Rajiv Bahadur, the Founder of Roar Communications, breaks it down in a simpler way to show how you can read your work contract in a way that there is no confusion. It will also help you to have a clear understanding of what the work and the money structure is going to be like for you.

Rajiv Bahadur, Founder of Roar Communication, on how to read your work contract right

Sometimes, there are situations where you may have been speaking over and over again with the organization, and there are a few copies of the contract made. It is possible that they sent you something first, which you may not have agreed upon, and then, they sent you a new one, and so on. To make sure that there is no confusion and that you know exactly what the contract means for you, “make a copy of the last finalized contract which you and the company have mutually agreed upon.”

Once you have the final contract with you, “take a look at the deliverables.” This will help you understand what all you have to do for the role you are taking up, and whether or not this is what you want to do and this is what you talked about. “Check properly to see if these terms of working are mutually agreed upon. Next, it is very important that you take a good look at the payment structure. Also, you have to take a look at the duration of the contract and see for how long it is valid.”

Once you have these main areas sorted out, go through all the terms carefully all over again. At any point, if you are not able to understand any part of the work contract, do not think of it as just another corporate term or clause and ignore it. If you’re not sure about something, call up the human resource person and understand what it means. If there’s something you don’t agree with, you can always ask for the changes to be made.