Is There Someone Better Out There For Me?

If you’re dating and asking yourself this, see what it means

Image Credit: odyssey

If that’s the answer you’re looking for, it’s simple – there’s always someone better out there. And if you’re looking to create a relationship doom for yourself, this question is perfect for that as well.

Of course there’s someone out there who is different from the person you’re dating now, but that doesn’t mean that person will be better for you.

Not sure why? Here’s why.

Dating Is A Tough Game

By that, we don’t mean the meet, date and goodbye sorts. Those are the ones you may be doing for fun, to meet someone, spend some time and move on. But what about the dates where you spend more than just a few weeks with someone? If you’ve been in a relationship, you’d know that it takes a lot of effort to finally reach that level of connect you both have. Do you really want to go through the entire dating and impressing phase right now?

Bigger Risk Of Feeling Insecure

You leave now, your new partner leaves you later. Does it ever end?

Image Credit: seancooper

There’s plenty of fish to catch out there. But what is possible for you is also possible for your partner. If you’re on the lookout for someone better today, this ‘better’ partner of yours can also be on the lookout for someone better in the future. What then – your turn to be bid adieu to, right?

When Will You Enjoy It?

You found someone and both of you connected. Next, you decided to be together coz you clicked. But instead of now enjoying your time with each other and doing things as a team, you’re on the lookout for something more. If this turns into a pattern, which it of course can, coz there will always be someone better, when will you actually enjoy your relationship?

Of course it’s difficult to be with just one person these days, with so many wonderful options around. But if you’re looking for something more real, rather than just the flitting fun of constant dating, then maybe it’s time to stop asking yourself what’s more out there for you, and enjoy what is already here for and with you.