India Needs To Go The French Way To Protect Its Women

France is going to fine $400 to men who harass women on the street.

Image Credit: infosearchtech

In France, 15 percent of women complain of sexual harassment on the streets. In India, more than 70 percent of women face the same problem. And yet, we don’t have a stringent measure like the French.

France has introduced a new law that imposes a heavy fine on eve teasing, commenting on women’s appearance, wolf whistling or even lecherously staring at women. India desperately needs such a strict law to curb the problem in India.

In many Indian villages and even cities, the problem is very rampant. Add to this the patriarchal set up where a girl is victimised or blamed when she takes a step against this menace. Usually, people comment on her own character or dress when in fact, the problem lies with the male.

Recently, there was a huge social media campaign of #MeToo to highlight this problem. It was realised that from everyday events like eve-teasing, molestation, calling names, whistling, staring to rapes, many girls face a spectrum of issues. But the voices are lost in the collective conscience of male domination.

Many films too have highlighted the problem.

Image Credit: Movie – Pink

Feminists have demanded punishments like castration to execution for various offences against women, but there is no headway. Instead, cases are lost in the labyrinth of judicial processes. Such a fine would act as an immediate deterrence. Notice how people don’t park their vehicles in no-parking zones? Because they don’t want to pay a heavy fine. Probably a fine against eve-teasing would work in the same way.

Why would a man whistle at a college student, if the price would be INR 500? It does not mean you quantify the honor of a girl. It means you find a resolution that works to check harassment.

France has a Minister of Equality, who has decided to impose this fine. Even India needs a change in the mindset. And though the feminists have a long way to go, a monetary fine might be the right step towards making an effective beginning.