Indonesia’s Requisites For Aspiring Female Police Officers Is Shocking!

The Indonesian government should truly get a job!

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Beauty with virginity is the new trend that Indonesia seems to be following. No, nothing very normal about it, because this is being followed for the eligibility of being police officers! Yes, in Indonesia, for being a police officer, you definitely need to prove that you are a virgin, that is, you haven’t had the opportunity of experiencing sexual intercourse or in the words of the Indonesian people, you are a good girl!

Rather shocking, isn’t it? Not only is this decision being implemented, but also a ‘two-finger’ virginity test being carried out to make sure the women who applied are all virgins. When the whole world is raging with #MeToo, with the entire influential film fraternity and other women are raging their voices against men and policies which have degraded the status of women in general, Indonesia’s rather backward step has outraged many, including its natives. A woman named Zakia, who couldn’t clear the test, revealed that the ‘two-finger’ test was rather painful which even included their anus to be tasted. How did we stoop so low?

Aspiring female police officers in Indonesia would have to be good looking as well as a virgin!

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The phrase ‘good girl’, however, has been used much by the Government to clarify their said act. We question, ‘why is being a ‘good girl’ absolutely mandatory for women who are supposedly trying to build a career?’ Many deserving candidates had to return disappointed due to this sudden proposition and change. Not that the world was much progressed anyway, but this is breaking all the past records of degradation. Also, what shocked women the most is that the tests were being carried out despite them being painful and disrespecting.

Coming back to the word ‘pretty’, the applicants need to have some amount of beauty in order to apply. Is this a beauty pageant? We wonder. The Indonesian Government has taken its job way too seriously which is resulting in these abnormal guidelines by it. To understand it better, the Government’s excuse is that society wouldn’t be comfortable in accepting non-virgins and ugly women. The overall thought being, you don’t need brain, you just need your beauty and virginity.

C’mon now, Indonesia needs to relax and rethink!