Two Ways To Make A Girl Chat You Up At A Bar

These tips will ensure she doesn’t label you a creep

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The one place that you can definitely hope to find interesting people to look at, talk to and try and hook up with is the bar.

This can also be one of the most dangerous and difficult to navigate terrains, especially if you’re not very careful about making sure that you don’t end up showing any of the creepy signs that women are so attuned to spot immediately.

Here are a few things you can definitely work on when you’re there at the bar, and spot a woman you would really love to chat up.

Make It A Genuine Connection

Unless you’re sure you really want to go ahead and talk to her, stay where you are and take a look around. If you spot someone else who you want to go ahead and talk to, it means you’re just trying to get whoever you can. And chances are, she will spot this in your conversation too. Make it about just that one person, for tonight at least. Try and spot a few things that could help open a conversation – may be a particular song she really moved her body to, the way her hair falls or anything she may have done to her hair, how she keeps touching her hair, or if she is carrying an interesting bag, or has a different dressing sense that makes her stand out. Women would love to know that you noticed but don’t harp on it. Once you walk up to her, mention this is what you found interesting and take it from there.

Strike Up A Conversation That Has Scope To Continue

Talk about things that are not sexual and have some relevance

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“Hi my name is this and can I join you” can be one of the worst lines you can start a conversation with. Why? Because you’re immediately putting yourself at risk of getting a firm ‘No’ for an answer and then what? Instead, talk about things such as any recent event, a concert you recently went to or something that is coming up, ask whether or not she likes them too, or about a song you heard that is similar to the one she seems to like, or even about your pets if you have any. The idea is to talk about something that has enough content that can make you two talk for some time at least.

The idea is to not come across as someone who is looking to just get her in bed, even if that’s your real intention. If you can make the woman feel comfortable and safe, she will let you know if she feels the same way too.