Is It Responsible To Be Apolitical?

A lot of people like to call themselves apolitical and steer away from the political conversation and discussions.

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To put it bluntly and without sugarcoating- no, it is not at all responsible. In fact, it is absolutely irresponsible of any citizen to call themselves apolitical. The idea of identifying and acting apolitical comes from a place of privilege and convenience. A lot of the young Indian-urban middle and upper classes people often remain unaffected by the changing governments and its policies. The socio-economic decisions of the government hardly ever affect them directly or at least noticeably. And thus, it is extremely convenient for them to become oblivious to their country’s political discourse. Convenient, it is. But what it also is is irresponsible, inconsiderate, and absolutely selfish.

Being “apolitical” Is A PRIVILEGE

What you are actually propagating is the idea of ignoring an unprivileged person’s demands, wishes, and rights.

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Seeing oneself as apolitical is simply a luxury not all of us can afford. Because, for most of us our very existence and identity is formed by the politics of our country! The people who claim to apolitical are the ones who have inherently been in a position of wealth, influence, and power. These are the people who are so deeply drowned in privilege that they can hardly see what’s floating above the surface level. And you know what’s floating above surface level, unattended and isolated? It is every unprivileged person’s demands, wishes, and rights the apolitical ones will never have to care about.

Teaching someone or motivating someone to be apolitical is simply asking them to not care about their country, its people, and every aspect of its society and economy. It is extremely necessary as well as important that each one of us take active part in the current political discourse of the country because not doing so means being willfully blind to how the politics of your nation inherently benefits you and feeds your “privilege” while ignoring countless others.

There Is No Such Thing As Being Apolitical

An apolitical person is simply an ignorant, ungrateful, privileged, and insensitive young Indian belonging to the urban middle or upper class.

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The young Indian-urban middle and upper classes need to understand that everything they do and even the very air they breathe is political. The stand of being apolitical itself is a huge political standpoint. Politics of the nation follows and touches each and every life, whether or not you accept that. Being political is not just about voting in the ongoing elections and having a favorite political party. The real essence of politics is in having an opinion about everything that happens around you and how it affects your society as a whole.

The real meaning of “I am apolitical” is that you are too privileged to be able to identify with people who live a life different and less fortunate from yours. Being apolitical means willfully turning a blind eye to social issues. Being apolitical means you just don’t care and you have no sense of apathy for the fellow citizens of your country. So next time you try sell yourself as an apolitical person, do not mistake yourself as someone who is neutral and is simply not interested in politics. What you are is an ignorant, ungrateful, privileged, and insensitive young Indian belonging to the urban middle or upper class.

In order to truly become a meaningful part of your country’s politics, you need to first of all shed these undesirable qualities and your inherent sense of entitlement.