It’s Weed Appreciation Day Today, And No, You Don’t Have To Roll Right Away

Here are some things you need to know about your loving weed


Joy to the world, the day has come!

When we all join in the rolling event and take to the couch to rest and hibernate and enjoy the calm and stress busting happiness that weed does bringeth.

Or so you thought right?

Well, before you jump into your hyper rolling mode, Weed Appreciation Day isn’t really what you’re immediately and obviously thinking it is.

Actually, while 28th March is celebrated as Weed Appreciation Day each year, the idea is not to go out and roll a joint, but to actually show your love to the common weeds that grow in your garden and around your home and appreciate their existence.

This gave you an entirely different take on what you thought weed day was about, right?

Did we break your bubble? You can still use that as a reason to relax with some ‘weed’

Image Credit: Movie – Hare Rama Hare Krishna

Well, sadly, even though we broke your bubble, the fact is that by real definition, the term ‘weed’ refers to any plant that is growing in a place where it is not supposed to be growing. It could be a blade of grass in a plant pot that you nurture, it could be a different sapling that you see sprouting next to a plant you have, and it could basically be any type of plant that is not growing where it should be, and is growing where it shouldn’t!

If you’ve ever tended a garden or plants, you may remember those unwanted ‘weeds’ that you probably tore out and threw away, because you thought they had come up in places where you didn’t want them and that they would ruin the plant you had actually planted there.

In many cases, even flowers or herbs that grow out of place are considered as weeds, only because they may be growing at a spot that is not naturally theirs to grow in.

So, the idea of the Weed Appreciation Day is that on this day at least, don’t tear out those visiting plants in your otherwise designated areas, and instead go out and give them some love, water them (it’s so hot!) and tend to them in some way.

And at the end of it, you can always have a proper reason to go back to ‘your’ type of weed.

Read Also: 7 Weed Destinations That Tint Your Glasses Green