Jinping And His Weird Problem With Winnie The Pooh

Is Xi Jinping the new “Chinese” pooh?


Cartoons and conspiracies are never far from us. Disney for the longest time now has been a perpetrator of anti-Christian sentiments through subliminal messages (check out Disney’s logo above everything else) and how did Johnny Bravo, The Simpsons and many others predict the 9/11 attacks before it even happened? The Simpsons, in fact, have predicted quite a lot of other things including Donald Trump coming to power. Now is there an omnipotent group/person/being behind the workings of the world, someone not as great as God but great nonetheless? I guess we will never know. What we do know is the Illuminati is real and the latest addition to the two C’s, cartoons and conspiracy is another C- China.

China recently has expressed hostility towards one of the most beloved cartoon characters, Winnie-The Pooh. China, the strictly communist country has always been very rigid about its political policies and relationships. The country has seen a string of autocratic and totalitarian rulers like Mao Zedong who nonetheless worked tirelessly towards establishing China as one of the major world powers.

Is Xi Jinping the new Zedong? His act of amending the constitution that will allow him to stay in power for an extended period of time clearly indicates so. He had enjoyed popular support before this decision and the consensus supported his reign. But now we are not so sure anymore. Trump went to the extent of accusing China of “raping” his country. Why is China’s threat as a super economy looming large? China’s GDP growth has been averaged at 10 percent per year enabling at least 800 million people to circumvent poverty, gaining infrastructural monopoly internationally (extensive land and sea routes) which means improved and highly profitable trades.

Can you imagine a life without internet? Or Television? Well, people in North Korea have been living that life and China is a close runner up. Amongst other things, the Xi Jinping censored the letter “N” to prevent opposition expressed mathematically: N>2, where N is president Xi’s number of terms in office. But that’s not all. He went on to ban images of Winnie-The Pooh, a household name. Why? Because no one can dismiss the uncanny similarities between the fun cartoon character and the Chinese president. Honestly? The character was banned from social sites and all media networks especially after the image of Xi and Obama was compared to Winnie walking with Tigger. Everyone who has orange-ish body shape can be likened to the character just like anyone who wears round spectacles can be likened to Harry Potter? Memes of parallels drawn between Xi and Pooh have been flocking like frenzied sheep over social media. And that’s quite obvious for a move like this!

Is this another subliminal message or a prediction? Conspiracy theorists, are you listening? If you are planning on taking a trip to China, binge watch Winnie the Pooh, because you will have to live without him for a godforsaken amount of time.