Learn to love yourself

Do we love ourselves really or do we just keep pleasing others?

After Ranis marriage gets called off she goes on her honeymoon alone and that’s where she realizes she is more than just a fiancée or a daughter.
After Ranis marriage gets called off she goes on her honeymoon alone and that’s where she realizes she is more than just a fiancée or a daughter.
Image Credit: Movie - Queen

When you love yourself first; everything else just follows. Loving yourself first is very important before loving others; because until and unless you don’t love yourself you won’t be able to love other person completely. Many a times we demotivate ourselves, we lack confidence, we don’t accept ourselves, our bodies, our overall persona, this results in lack of self-acceptance and affects our confidence variably. What one can do in this situation is that start doing things that you like. Don’t go to gym because he/she likes, go for walks if you like walks, don’t wear pink because he/she likes, wear what you like, eat what you like, do what you love to do, stop living by others standards for God’s sake! Please start loving your life, accept yourselves with your flaws if you have any and understand that we all are unique in our own way.

The way you treat yourselves gives an idea to other person as to how you want to be treated.
The way you treat yourselves gives an idea to other person as to how you want to be treated.

Image credit- Movie – Queen

Please quit having a limited thinking that if you please others only then they love you back; no! If one loves you then he/she will love you unconditionally, for that you don’t have to give up your desires and wishes or change yourselves in and out. And if somebody is forbidding you from doing what you love then let me tell you it’s not love for sure. Love never holds you back, it sets you free. It lets you breathe, it doesn’t smother you and doesn’t hold you back forcefully. So please stop having illusions of things like “if I give up on things that makes him/her unhappy then we will grow in love”. It’s definitely not the way; if you give up once you have to give up on things you love to do for all your life.

Many a times others opinion about us becomes our opinion too; what others think of us should not matter to us at all. Those are their assumptions it shows their boundaries of thinking doesn’t create your reputation. And nobody can take that power away from you and never allow anybody’s judgements about you; demotivate you. What we think of ourselves is what matters in the end.

Be the person you yourself desire to be with.
Be the person you yourself desire to be with.

Image credit- Movie – Queen

When you give preference to your desires and aspirations, automatically you start feeling important and happy from within. I’m not saying that you should not give importance to people around you, your family, relationships, friends etc., but what’s important is give yourselves importance too, this will help you feel deserved and confident at all times and you would be able to give back your love to them in your relationships too.

We often sacrifice our desires and dreams for our loved ones. But that hurts somewhere deep inside and it keeps hitting you in your mind somewhere always. Some fights, some judgements made by them always keep hurting you from within. But how does others definition about you matter to you more than your own? Don’t let anybody ever underestimate you on any basis, be it body shaming, caste, creed, culture, religion, your career statistics, or another background. Nothing matters at all. What you feel about yourself matters at the end of the day. Don’t ever let anyone let you believe you are not good enough, or less deserving. No! Love yourself and accept everything about you gracefully; believe that’s how you are and that’s beautiful; everybody has their flaws which we don’t have to shy away from it because its natural, we are humans we were not born to be perfect always.

We stop tolerating bad behaviour and unnecessary drama of others; once we start loving ourselves.
We stop tolerating bad behaviour and unnecessary drama of others; once we start loving ourselves.

Image credit- Movie – Queen

Stand by your opinions, stand up for yourself always. Being loved and cared by people around us doesn’t mean you can’t have opinion of your own. I have seen many people admiring others before admiring themselves, can’t we be our own ideal? We can be our own favourite and admirer. Why do we need others opinion to like ourselves? When you start valuing yourself; automatically people around you will find your company pleasant. Know your worth. Be open about your likes- dislikes, be a good person to have around, be happy at all times, a positive person gives out positive vibes, nobody likes to have a pessimist person around them.

Life is too short to live by others opinions, have your opinions, have your own values, morals if you want to have one though, but don’t let anybody dictate you and take charge of your life, then be it anybody. Love your life, love yourself and others too. Hope you take out time for your self-pampering as well and hope you start loving yourself soon!