Let Self-Care Win Against Self-Blame

Here’s how to get rid of the practice of blaming yourself for negative events.

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In this journey of life, we are all bound to make mistakes. But it is important to realize that mistakes are supposed to guide us, not define us. It is our duty to learn from our mistakes and move on. But, when we blame negative events on ourselves instead of trying to move on from what happened, we destabilize our own mental health. Increased guilt and shame can leave you with lots of unnecessary stress to deal with. Thus, it is important that we get rid of our self-blaming tendency. And one of the best ways to tackle self-blame is by practicing self-care. Here’s how.

Have A Conversation With Yourself

Ask your self-critical voice to blame you for the good too.

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We all have an inner voice and there is no way to turn that radio off. But what we can do is talk back and make room for few positive thoughts. Your inner voice should know that you are in charge and you are here to take care of yourself. But how do we talk back? Start by thinking of all the things that you admire about yourself. Think of ALL such things and let it get absorbed inside you. Now, when the inner voice becomes all critical and starts blaming you for everything, you will have a lot to talk back. Prove them wrong!

Inculcate Self-Compassion

One of the most important aspects of self-care is being kind and understanding towards yourself! Instead of being judgmental, try to be empathetic and figure out why you did what you did. Think of how others would have responded if they were put in your situation. This thought process will make you more comfortable and allow you to rationally assess your actions. Secondly, self-care is almost incomplete without gratitude. Always take out time to reflect on the things you are grateful for. Being grateful fills your life with all kinds of positive energies.

Give Yourself A Break!

“We can never obtain peace in the outer world until we make peace with ourselves.” —Dalai Lama

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When you are too occupied with your daily routine and in the process hurt someone’s feelings by not being there for them, you resort to self-blame. But in reality, it is your routine that is to be blamed. Self-care teaches you to give yourself a break from your daily routine every once in a while. Too much work can be extremely unhealthy for your health as well as personal life. When you get overly occupied with work/chores and still not get results, you start thinking that you are not enough. Back to self-blame! This can be best avoided by taking a break to give your mind some air to breathe. You will do your job better with a more rested, relaxed and healthier mind. You are always enough. You are just not resting enough!

So, stop blaming yourself and start taking care of yourself! That’s the mantra to a happier and healthier life.