Looking For A New Job? How About Being An Enthusiastic Listener In Trump’s Rallies?

Would you dare to be the plaid shirt guy?


Trump is like a pampered child in many ways. He is surrounded by a coterie to keep him happy. He throws a tantrum when things don’t happen his way. And you can get thrown out of a party if you don’t dance to his tunes.

This is exactly what happened to Tyler Linfesty, who has become a viral sensation with the name, ‘the plaid shirt guy’. He was removed from Trump’s rally because he did not play by the rules.

In a video, now viral, he is seen in Trump’s Montana rally, making faces and giving shocked expressions, as Trump continues his usual irrational and senseless rant. Trump is known to make flamboyant statements, with no base in reality, in his rallies. And while those watching him on screens are free to react the way they want, those actually present in the rally have to appear enthusiastic. They are even instructed to do so.

The Plaid Shirt Guy was not one to follow the illogical piper. Before the rally, they told him that he had to be enthusiastic. He was told to clap and cheer for Trump, but he did not do so because he was not happy with what Trump was saying.

Just expressions, and a mouthed “What!” at something he found particularly absurd. And yet, he was taken out of the audience. That was because he was standing directly behind the President, which meant that the cameras were picking it all up.

But if the idea was to not let people see Linfesty’s disapproval, the strategy backfired. Because he has gone viral on the internet. After he was replaced, Secret Service officials detained him for a short inspection before he was let off and asked him to never come back.

Imagine someone laughing their head off for Rahul Gandhi’s rally in India. He would too similar treatment. But then he would not be alone. There are hordes who would react similarly in India.

The whole incident just proves that political leaders like Trump can really be babies when it comes to their high maintenance, and this means a job opening if you can be a sycophant, and at least act like one.