Multiplexes And Their Thriving Business – Once A Hit, Now A Miss?

Ban on food stalls - doomsday approaching for multiplexes?

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Thanks to Indians and their love for cinema, the multiplex industry is one of the most thriving ones in India, or perhaps it “was”. For now the future of this industry looks quite like that of an arts graduate- quite unsure! And no, that is not because Indians suddenly don’t watch movies anymore, but because its firmest pillar, the Food and Beverage segment is under the threat to run into crumbs (get it?) The dropping stock prices of several multiplexes including PVR and Inox Leisure are only indicating towards a halt to the growth of this massive industry.

Crazy prices of food urges the government to allow outside food

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Who knew selling a tub of popcorn at the price of half a kidney would come to bite you back in your arse? How is this related to the downfall of the multiplex industry you ask? Well, A few months ago, the Bombay High Court had ruled that food items and bottled water be sold at regular prices inside multiplexes. Taking that decision a step ahead, as you might have already heard, the Maharashtra government recently declared that movie goers can carry their own food inside theatres from August 1.

Though this decision taken by the Maharashtra government is a plausible one from the perspective of movie goers, from the point of view of industrial growth, it will slow down the high-soaring flight of multiplex industries that depends highly on Food and Beverages retail revenue. If all the State Governments follow suit, then multiplex owners will soon have to kiss their easy money goodbye. They’ve tried enough means, from a 50rs discount on the 350 bucks “small” pop-corn tub to giving a small glass of coke free if you pre-booked tickets! Well, maybe it’s time they realized, that movie goers are not that dumb to get their trick. Looks like Karma finally caught up with big industrialists, didn’t it?

Now that they can bring their own food, will movie goers increase?

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However, with Indian movie buffs, (who tend to feel all the world’s hunger inside a movie theater) you never know. Maybe allowing their own food would now turn movie halls into picnic spots, all smelling of tandoor and biryani and curry spilled on seats! How would the government react to that? Will it result in more people going to the movies? We need to wait and watch! Till then, pack your tiffin boxes and flock to the movie hall!