Non-Physical Features That Make You Attractive AF

Move on from dressing sense and body shape and walking style already!

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Sure, there will be a lot of people who will find you attractive for your looks. And you will find many people attractive for their good looks. But is that it? Is that all about attraction? Of course not! Attraction is more personal and abstract than you care to admit. Sometimes, attraction has nothing to do with your physical features. Sometimes, how you look is of no consequence. But then, what is?

You Are Fun To Be With

A good sense of humour is always attractive because it has the power to make difficult times easier and the good times, even better.

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It is fairly common to be attracted to somebody you always have a nice time with. If you’re a person who can make people laugh and keep them happy in your company, people will be attracted to you. It is all about how you make others feel in your presence. People remember how they feel with you. That’s how memories work. If you give them a happy memory, they will want to be with you again. They will want to laugh and be happy again!

You Are Smart And Intelligent

There is even a word called “Sapiosexual” for it! Sapiosexuals are aroused by intelligence. Without going into the depth of the word, let us address how intelligence can be attractive. The truth is that physical features can fade away. Appearances can be deceiving. But intelligence will always stay with you and possibly even increase with time. When you are intelligent, you tend to inspire people and make them want to be LIKE YOU. That’s where the attraction begins and it hardly ever ends.

You Are Compassionate

Being mindful of the feelings and moods of the people around you makes people WANT to be around you.

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Everyone sincerely looks for compassion in their potential partners. And when they will find it in you, they will surely be attracted to you. Compassion means that you are capable of understanding people and taking care of them. Compassion means you are a good person at the end of the day! When people are around you, they feel more relaxed and comfortable. You are sensitive and you have the sensibility to care about someone else’s needs and wishes. Basically, you are an awesome person! And everybody is attracted to an awesome person!

So, it is time to look deeper and develop characteristics that REALLY matter.