The Importance Of Emotional Intelligence As A Working Professional

Being emotionally intelligent in workspace has its own importance.

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To give a dictionary definition, emotional intelligence – or emotional quotient (EQ) is both the ‘capacity to be aware of, control and express one’s emotions’, as well as to ‘handle interpersonal relationships judiciously and empathetically’. In simple words, EQ is our ability to understand and manage our own feelings and emotions. This doesn’t sound like something important from the workspace perspective but it really is. It is a well-researched as well as accepted fact that emotionally intelligent professionals have a better career than others. EQ helps us in being self-aware, empathetic, and empowers us to motivate ourselves. Such social skills can be very useful as a working professional irrespective of the industry you work in.

Decision Making

Emotional intelligence (also known as ‘emotional quotient’, or EQ) was ranked sixth in the World Economic Forum’s list of the top 10 skills that employees will need to possess to thrive in the workplace of the future.

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Every decision we make has an emotional aspect of it. On a daily basis, we make decisions that are solely based on our gut feelings. Being emotionally intelligent means you understand where your gut feeling is coming from. Understanding the origin and source of your emotions can be very instrumental in making the right decision. When you are self-motivated and self-aware, you are not easily influenced or coerced by someone or some irrelevant information. Your level of concentration increases and you have more clarity in thought-process as well as expression of those thoughts.

Work Relationships

No company can ever be successful without effective human interaction.

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No workplace can be successful without effective teamwork and communication. EQ can be extremely instrumental in making work relationships and interaction, strengths of your company. Every workspace consists of several professionals but it is their combined efforts that ultimately lead to productive results. EQ is all about enabling you to work in a team taking all your members along with you. EQ is about all those soft skills that are required for you to operate in the company of others. Teamwork skills are guided by your EQ. Communication skills are guided by your EQ. Leadership skills are guided by your EQ. Another important leadership quality, Empathy, is also guided by your EQ. Being emotionally intelligent makes you well equipped to handle all sorts of issues at work.

Start working on your emotional intelligence today and watch yourself excel at everything you do!